What happens when you combine an online news & current events tracking system with a conservative-minded gun owner? Developed by a friend of mine…
What happens when you combine an online news & current events tracking system with a conservative-minded gun owner? Developed by a friend of mine…
On behalf of everyone here at, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the countless American men and women who have served…
Today, 3-Oct-08, marks the one year anniversary of going live to the public. We’ve had over 115,000 visitors, more than a dozen contributors, and…
Happy Independence Day from all of us at! Special thanks to all who have served to keep our nation great, and all who have…
In what will no doubt be a much-debated decision, the Supreme Court of the United States today upheld the Second Amendment as an individual right…
On Memorial Day, 26-May-08, had its 50,000th visitor. On behalf of everyone who has contributed to over the past eight months, we would…
The winners from last week’s 25,000th Visitor Celebration have been randomly selected by computer. Congratulations go out to the following readers: Winners of the…
While there is no doubt in my mind that the police got to this woman’s home as quickly as they could, it wasn’t quick enough.…