Coming Soon

A little something for everyone who earns a spot on the F.A.S.T. Wall, past, present, and future: the F.A.S.T. Pin.

Arriving just in time for Christmas…

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Awesome!!!!!!

    Now I’ll have a shooting pin to go with my Farnam pins!!!

  2. Little red pins from N. GA are meaningless unless you earn it with a Beretta .22. Even so, definitely not as cool as a FAST pin.

  3. As the owner of said little red pin (which it took three tries to earn), I do not expect this to be nearly as coveted.

    Getting a challenge coin is cooler than either of them, though. 8)

  4. ok, since I’m not one of the cool kids I’ll ask, wtf is the little red pin? and what is required to earn one?

  5. Just read the Rogers S.S. review. Damn, I’d like to attend that….. I had an awesome time on the Rogers Range at Blackwater when I went a few years ago. With the way work is going, might have more time to try and get to more courses. :-p

    Want my address so you can mail me a pin Todd?


  6. They don’t gravel road cops at Rogers do they? Lol
    I too would like to go to Rogers one day. I’d also like to outfit our range with two bays of his stuff.

  7. I’ve been toying with the idea of organizing a private class down at Rogers for students & readers, actually…

  8. “As the owner of said little red pin (which it took three tries to earn), I do not expect this to be nearly as coveted.”

    Don’t go with SDave and you greatly improve your chances!

    “Getting a challenge coin is cooler than either of them, though.”

    Hmmmmm not so sure about that one.

  9. I’ve been toying with the idea of organizing a private class down at Rogers for students & readers, actually…

    By ToddG on Oct 20, 2010

    Im in!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY COOL!!!!!!!

  10. Well, if I can get the money and approval, we have 6 Rogers Bays you can use when we have you down next year………

  11. I’d call in sick at work to make a students & readers course!!


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