Law Enforcement Classes vs. Civilian Classes.
Having spent the past 27 years in law enforcement and almost as long teaching various topics to law enforcement (LEOs) and civilians, I have some…
Having spent the past 27 years in law enforcement and almost as long teaching various topics to law enforcement (LEOs) and civilians, I have some…
As mentioned last week, the basic idea of the press-out is to coordinate the movement of the gun with the trigger pull, so that as…
20 years ago, the press-out was not very well known. 30 years ago only a small handful of us were doing it. In the last…
This is a topic of much interest to trainers and “doers”, or at least it should be. However, I don’t often hear it talked about.…
This post was supposed to go live last Saturday, but it didn’t happen, so the shooting is a few days behind my practice as of…
With my hand injury having prevented me from training for a bit, I need to start getting my shooting back into shape. The best way…
You may have noticed that I have had a little less shooting content lately. Unfortunately, that is a result of a support hand injury that…
If you are reading my blog, you are obviously a dedicated person with some extra time on your hands to waste on me. If so,…
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Here at headquarters we have been relaxing and enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. No doubt someone…
How many of you have heard that? How about grip is the most important thing? Maybe being black and white about subtle issues is the…