A New Shot Timer

Shot timers suck.

Over the past three years I’ve had four CED7000 and two Pocket Pro II die on me in one way or another. It’s reached a point where even carrying a spare timer isn’t a guarantee I can make it through a class.

I have a $300 video camera that can take high-def high-speed images underwater, but They can’t make a shot timer that works when it’s humid? There are $100 cell phones that can be thrown at full speed against concrete, but They can’t make a shot timer that works after falling off a bench? It would literally be cheaper to buy a $49 Apple iPhone 3GS at AT&T and use one of the shot timer apps… plus some of those apps have an ability to transfer information to your computer automatically.

Over at pistol-forum.com we’re discussing what a new shot timer should feature in terms of durability, functionality, and connectivity. Pop on over and share your thoughts.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I just downloaded SureFire’s free ShotTimer on my iPhone 3G. It has email capability. 🙂

  2. Todd,
    how about developing a PF.com Timer in orange color with all the needed features.

  3. Ditto on the iPhone App. I keep my old and (literally) busted 3G around to use just as a time because I found out the hard way that the noise-cancelling microphone on an iPhone 4 works a little TOO well and cancels out the noise of the shot.

  4. The 7000’s suck because the solder is weak and doesn’t hold up on the top and the button sotps working. The 8000’s are a lot better.

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