Almost 50,000

1001263wI believe the internet meme is:


Pictured here, courtesy of Pilgrim at, is a beautiful Lorcin .380 semiautomatic pistol. As you can see, the gun developed a minor structural issue before its owner could complete what I am sure was headed towards an otherwise successful 50,000 round endurance test.

The crack occurred somewhere below the 200 round point.

Sadly, as news of this incident spreads throughout the internet, Lorcin’s previously spotless reputation for unsurpassed quality may become tarnished.

1001259m(that’s sarcasm, by the way)

Thanks again to Pilgrim for capturing this event and for the permission to reprint the photos here.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. In it’s defence, 200 rounds is about 190 rounds more than the average Lorcin fires in it’s lifetime.

  2. I saw a (Davis?Lorcin?Jennings?) in a gunsmith shop in EXACTLY the same shape.

    Must be an undocumented feature: The slide is supposed to be 3″ long, not 4″, and will fix itself.

  3. dude we can fix it, my dad has an awesome set of tools. i’m pretty sure the design philosophy behind this fine piece of craftsmanship was what is referred to as a “drop gun”. it was made to handle maybe one or two generic shots before being stored in a ziploc on a metal shelf for the next 30 years.

  4. I’m always worried my girlfriend’s P22 will end up like that… why the hell do great companies like Smith and Wesson still use shitty cast zinc alloys? I know they’re trying to cut cost and gain more business, but it seems like it’s going to cost them more in the end when their reputation is hurt by guns blowing up. Is an extra 20 30 bucks for a steel slide really gonna deter people from buying a cool gun? Sigh… I guess it probably will.

  5. I know of a 9mmP lorcin in South Africa whose slide melted when the owner placed it in the oven to speed dry it after cleaning. What do you expect from a slide cast from peuter.

  6. james — An extra $20-30 in production cost will translate into ~$100 higher final price on the street.

  7. All the above naned companies out of business.Purchased by Jiminez Arms. Picture shows why.

  8. I’ve heard stories of shooting the front sight off of a pistol, but this is a new level of dedication.

  9. Gee, guess I’ll stick with my cheap P3AT for a .380 gun. I’ve got about 500 rounds through it with only one misfeed. And Kel-Tec pre-shortened mine at the factory, so no pesky barrel trimming disposal issues.

  10. Tam — I hope that isn’t coming from personal experience!

    Matthew — Your career in marketing is sure to be a success.

  11. Todd,

    Fortunately, no. The closest I’ve been to a slide separation was two degrees of Kevin Bacon: A former coworker told me about a P22 that sent the slide into the shooter’s face somewhere I used to work. Fortunately, it was a P22 and so the injuries were limited to bruises and a good scare…

  12. i have bought one from my uncle and he has maybe shot it 10 to 12 times then when i purchased the weapon i fired a box in a half shells and the same thing has occurred to me but the tip didnt completely break when i have noticed the cracks i have stopped use of the weapon and have looked every where for replacement slide and have come up empty does anyone know where i can purchase another slide? Also i have went through two safety springs as well out of all pistols i have had over the years i must say i have never had so much issues with a firearm.

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