And the Duh Award of the Day Goes to…

airline clerk: (loudly) Sir, you need to open the case so I can verify the guns are unloaded.

ToddG: (quietly) I thought TSA was responsible for that now?

airline clerk: No, sir. (loudly) We need to check your guns here at the counter. Can you please show me your guns so I can verify they are unloaded?

ToddG: (opens case, shows her disassembled Glock 17’s)

airline clerk: Are they unloaded?

ToddG: They’re disassembled.

airline clerk: Oh, OK. I don’t really know anything about guns.

ToddG: Then how are you supposed to verify they’re unloaded?

airline clerk: That’s why I asked you.


Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I normally refer to airline security as the illusion of security but wow. It doesn’t seem they are even trying to fake it…

  2. Yep I feel safe on an airplane, why shouldn’t I?

    But seriously I would of been speechless.

  3. Todd, face it. You’re lucky that she didn’t know anything about guns. If she had, you might have heard a loud gasping scream followed by her yelling: “I’ve never seen a pistol this filthy. What kind of monster are you?”

  4. At least you didn’t have the sig Pimp gun she would have thought that was cute.

  5. Dude, when I was flying back from visiting Marko last fall, the check-in clerk at the Manchester, NH airport asked if I’d spent any time at the Manchester Firing Line, just down the road from the airport, because her husband worked there. No? Well I should go check it out next time I visit!

  6. (Oh, and flying to NH, I was chilling in the security area waiting for the all-clear on my heaters with a dude who was on his way to Thunder Ranch Oregon… 😀 )

  7. “I thought TSA was responsible for that now?”

    Federal law requires the airlines to verify firearms are safe before accepting them for transport. If you’re going to fly with guns you should learn both the regulation and process.

  8. I used to love flying Alaska Air:

    airline clerk: Are you flying with any firearms today?

    Me: Yes, do you need to see them?

    airline clerk: No, just making sure you aren’t going anywhere in Alaska unarmed.

  9. Donny — Can you show me where that federal law is? Because actually, I fly one or two round trips a month, always with multiple firearms, and the vast majority of ticket clerks no longer ask to see if the gun is loaded or not. That change occurred in conjunction with many other airline safety regulations post-9/11.

  10. I’ve had them ask if it is unloaded but most could care less about looking at the gun, as it would be like a dog staring at a computer.

    At Tampa the TSA dude that the skycap hands the gun to (as you can’t walk the case/bag over there yourself for security reasons) always ask me if it is unloaded and in a secured locked container.

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