Springfield/Warren 9mm 1911 Endurance Test: Report #14
23,864 rounds 10 stoppages 0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages After an almost two month hiatus, the SACS/Warren gun finally got a trip to the range today. It…
23,864 rounds 10 stoppages 0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages After an almost two month hiatus, the SACS/Warren gun finally got a trip to the range today. It…
When I was shooting IDPA more seriously, each year our team would attend a major match that invariably had a pick-up gun: a dedicated gun provided…
… attention. It’s a pet peeve of mine when teaching: the student who doesn’t pay attention and constantly holds up the class needing special attention.…
Happy 2013 from all of us at pistol-training.com! Train hard & stay safe!
If you’ve been reading pistol-training.com for a while, you know that the site is very rarely about my personal life except insofar as it relates…
A recent discussion at pistol-forum.com regarding night sights motivated me to take this photo: Pretty straight forward, yes? I shot it with my phone sitting on…
“The Supreme Court has decided that the amendment confers a right to bear arms for self-defense, which is as important outside the home as inside.”…
Remington has issued a recall for one specific lot number of .38 Special +p SJHP ammunition in 100rd boxes. If you have any of this…
Tim from Gun Nuts has wrapped up his test of the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield, putting over 2,000 rounds through the gun over the course…
One of the earliest things I can remember about my father, oddly enough, was his business card. On the back he had a motto: If it’s…