Gaming the Test: Rogers #5
Now we begin the one-handed shooting portion of the Rogers Shooting School test. Stage 5: strong hand only, from the holster, 2.5 seconds Maximum points: 14 T1…
Now we begin the one-handed shooting portion of the Rogers Shooting School test. Stage 5: strong hand only, from the holster, 2.5 seconds Maximum points: 14 T1…
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve received a deluge of emails, forum PMs, phone calls, and smoke signals asking what in the world made…
This entry in the Rogers Shooting School test series deals with one of the fastest — and most deceptively tricky — stages, number four. Stage 4: two-handed, from…
We will never forget the sacrifice you made.
I’m a big fan of DA/SA guns and have been for many, many years. While they’re often maligned by today’s generation of Glock-centric shooters (and… has announced its FASTer Bracket Challenge, a video mail-in competition. The competition uses a modified version of the F.A.S.T., shot without concealment using USPSA-legal…
This is the third installment in the breakdown of the Rogers Shooting School test. Stage Three is probably the most straightforward part of the entire…
This is the second in a series of nine short articles related to the 9-stage test administered as part of the normal instruction at Rogers Shooting…
Go to for details on how to find the photo and the contest to see who’ll be first to figure out what gun it is……
This is the beginning of a series of short articles focused on the nine stages of fire that make up “the test” at Rogers Shooting School.…