
awesometesimal, adj. (1) The infinitesimal amount of information you really have after that one-day class that made you think you’re so awesome that you should tell the rest of the internet how to shoot a gun. (2) Characterized by assuming far more knowledge and experience than one actually possesses.

example: Did you hear that Johnny has decided to design a new set of sights after taking NRA Basic Pistol last weekend? That’s awesometesimal!

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.”

  2. I’m not at the stage where I know enough about shooting to know that I don’t know enough about shooting.

    I really need to learn more. I’m unsure how to go about acquiring this knowledge.

  3. Jesse, as long as you follow Tam and make sure that what you don’t know falls into the category of not knowing what you don’t know … then you’ll never know what you’re missing and you’ll be all set.

    Not knowing is only going to be a problem if you know what it is you don’t know.

    Hope that helps.

  4. On the positive-thinking side of life, I now know all there is to know about Gen-4 Glock design and I think I’ll write a book about it.

    Either that a book on well the Bill Drill applies to someone with my name.

  5. Jeez, you’re just hearing about “awesometesimal?” I learned that back in my NRA Basic Pistol class. They covered it right after which end of the gun not to point at your face. 😉

  6. Todd,
    Some of us resemble that remark. 🙂
    Ever hear of biting the hand that feeds you? Don’t be too hard on the students/noobs.

  7. Bob — I have absolutely no problem with new shooters (though I don’t teach classes at that level myself). It’s the people who think they’ve become advanced expert ninjas after one day who need a reality check.

  8. Awesometesimal can be used to describe 90% of the self proclaimed SME’s (Pick any subject) on the internet.

  9. I wonder if there is such a thing as confusing what you know with what you are capable of doing. If so, one could argue that this is the problem.

    On the other hand, could it be argued that if you can’t do it, you therefore don’t know it?

  10. In all seriousness though, if I learned something from you, Todd, I make sure to mention that if I’m passing a little tip along to someone else.

  11. Dropkick: I do the same. There is a huge difference between “I took a class this weekend and they showed us to hold the gun like this…” and just getting on the internet and telling everyone they’re holding the gun wrong.

  12. Man, if someone can become an expert after one day, I must be doing it wrong.

    Seriously, I’m actively trying to find a different range to shoot at because I run into people who I am certain would do well as students of the legendary Gecko45… Being a noob is no excuse for being a jackass.

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