Ballistic Radio

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This Sunday, I’ll be the featured guest on 55KRC’s Ballistic RadioThe show is hosted by regular J.M. “Sparks2112” Johnston. This week’s episode will be about handgun reliability and, naturally, pistol training. You can listen live via the 55KRC web site or afterwards through the Ballistic Radio podcast.

Check out previous weeks’ podcasts as well. Recent guests have included economist and gun rights expert John Lott, concealment holster designer Spencer “Prdator” Keepers, and Lt. Chuck Haggard of the Topeka, KS Police Department.

Tune in Sunday at 7pm Eastern.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Make sure and say penis at some point during the podcast, I think it’s a tradition now.

  2. Society has changed, shouldn’t our First Amendment laws?

    Terrorism has changed, shouldn’t our Fourth Amendment laws?


    Happy shooting, dv

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