Bloomberg: Idiot

You know we very rarely get into anything political at It’s not what the site is about and frankly, there are so many excellent RKBA websites and blogs that it would just be redundant.

But reading NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s call for a national police strike as a response to what he considers lax gun control just made my head hurt. Setting aside all the legal and ethical considerations, ask yourself this one simple question…

If the police went on strike tomorrow, who would be safer from the unchecked criminal element: the people who own guns, or the people who don’t?

When 911 response is measured by probability instead of time, one would think the citizenry would want more access to self-defense tools, not less.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Perhaps he could lead off by firing his security detail, though that would require leading by example, something in short supply with many politicians.

  2. I’m deeply appreciative that Todd and other instructors consistently advocate safety, training, and practice. It boils down to responsible gun ownership, which is one of the best arguments for any gun ownership at all.

    Regarding more CCW owners in Colorado, Jason Alexander wrote recently, “a crowd of people firing away in a chaotic arena without training or planning – I tend to think that scenario could produce even more victims.”

    That statement betrays a critical misunderstanding. In fact, the type of person willing to learn, train, and test for a CCW license is the LEAST likely to “fire away” blindly. The statement shows that we need more understanding of what responsible gun ownership is, not less. Thank you, Todd, for doing (more than) your fair share!

  3. I have nothing but the upmost respect and gratitude to all law enforment officers but if this actually happened (and I’m pretty sure it won’t) my feeling won’t be hurt. I don’t say that because I don’t think they are needed. I simply say that because I’m not a sheeple and will be prepared.

  4. “While most people have only a passing knowledge of history, this bears re-telling.

    Up until the 11Sept attacks, the largest mass murder in NYC history occured when Julio Gonzales (a Cuban refugee) killed 87 people inside the Happy Land Social Club in The Bronx, NY on 25March1990.

    Julio did not use a gun. Nor did he use a bomb.

    Instead he used a plastic container he found on the ground, and bought less then $1.00 worth of gasoline.

    He poured the gas on the staircase of the only entrance and ignited it.

    My Brother responded to that fire.

    It is not about guns.
    Guns are not a particularly efficient way of disposing of large numbers of people.

    It is about people”

    — Pat Rogers

  5. And Bloomberg also says he is better equiped than adults to tell them what size soda they are allowed to drink. He is only relevant when people debate him. Don’t feed the troll; Bloomberg = troll.

  6. He’s an idiot.

    We wouldn’t strike because the great majority of us support the 2A.

  7. Actually, I was glad that Mr. Bloomberg made the comment because he unintentionally revealed the true thoughts of much of the political class, namely that the American people really aren’t good enough for them and steps should be taken to force us to do what they want us to do.

    The unintentional hillarity caused by his failure to realize Todd’s point is just icing on the cake. These guys really do think they are smarter and better than the rest of us even if they are too stupid to understand the import of what they are saying. They deserve our utter contempt.

  8. The first thing I thought when I heard “police strike” is “I should buy another gun.”

    Shows mostly how shallow my libertarian principles are that I have so much faith in the police, I think.

  9. Well said Todd.

    I think Bloomberg is just a wannabe Dictator anyways. Of course I guess most _true_ Progressives are.

  10. What a no win situation. If you do fire and prevail, police will arrive (eventually), and you will be the only one known to have a gun. That could be a dangerous situation. If you are going to shoot, no matter what the distance, it will be a tough shot with many possible bad outcomes (does anyone else here flinch under pressure?). I have been told that in Israel, people armed or not, converge on gunfire. The rational is that a rapid massed attack will result in fewer injuries than a disorganized retreat that allows the shooter to continue. Clearly that mindset is a long way off for America.

  11. @Tam: especially some of the cops around here. Good Lord it would take a crane to lift them!! 😉

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