Two Added to F.A.S.T. Wall in RI
Jon Nierenburg (6.67) and class champion Jack Fallon (6.42) turned in Advanced performances during this weekend’s Aim Fast Hit Fast class in Charlestown, Rhode Island. Both have earned…
Jon Nierenburg (6.67) and class champion Jack Fallon (6.42) turned in Advanced performances during this weekend’s Aim Fast Hit Fast class in Charlestown, Rhode Island. Both have earned…
If your interest in handguns is focused toward carrying on duty and/or for personal defense, is competition a good way to supplement your practice or…
Four students from this week’s class in Clackamas, OR earned places on the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame. Matt Kenna (5.53) and Nick Bezates (6.99) both…
Congratulations to Gabe “OrigamiAK” White for earning F.A.S.T. Challenge Coin #09 today during the Aim Fast, Hit Fast class in Clackamas, Oregon! edited to add the…
Results for the July-3 KSTG match at the NRA Range can be found HERE. Thanks to fuse, MEH, joshs, JV for putting together a very fun…
Caleb recently blogged about shooting on the move in a competition context and one of the things he said really resonated with my overall philosophy…
Bob Martin (6.70), Eric Daniels (6.29), and Donovan Teel (6.21) all earned places on the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame this weekend during the Aim Fast, Hit…
Last month, I began this series of guides on shooting the Rogers Shooting School test stages. This is the ninth and final installment: the Freestyle Blast Drill. Stage…
This is the eighth installment of the nine-part Rogers Shooting School test series. Stage 8: weak hand only, from the ready, 30 seconds Maximum points: 23 Seven targets…
Next in the Rogers Shooting School test series comes the weak hand only shooting… Stage 7: weak hand only, from the ready loaded with exactly six rounds, 12.5…