Re-aclimating with the LEM
Anytime I switch guns, there are some fundamental drills I like to run to get reacquainted with the trigger, grip, recoil and balance of the…
Anytime I switch guns, there are some fundamental drills I like to run to get reacquainted with the trigger, grip, recoil and balance of the…
These last couple of weeks have been very busy at work so I have not been getting out to shoot as much as I would…
Here are some videos of the LEM in action. I have less than 300 rounds through the gun and it is coming along nicely. I…
2095 Rounds 0 Malfunctions, 2 Stoppages, 0 Parts Breakage I have not cleaned the gun yet, but I did lube it to see if that…
Now that most of the work is done with the Kel-Tecs, it is time to get back to some training. In that vein, a new…
1997 Rounds 0 Malfunctions, 2 Stoppages, 0 Parts Breakage I purposely stopped short of the 2000-round mark this week, but I forgot just how close…
One-handed shooting is where your pistol’s grip, your grip, trigger work, and recoil control all come together. Your pistol’s grip needs to fit you well…
JAG and I shot the Flagler Cup last weekend, and Bianchi this past week. Flagler went well and I shot a 1914, which was good…
Late last winter, I left a message with Ares Tactical about a tanker-style holster they had on their website. Matt Facas promptly called me back…
JAG and I just got back from our first trip to TacCon. JAG taught some well-received classes and I hung out with friends I hadn’t…