bobn’s Assessment of the Typical 1911 Fanatic
Posted at the CALIBERS forum by member bobn, an assessment of 1911 fanatics: 1) Choose 1911 carefully. Agonize over it. 2) Buy 1911. 3) Start…
Posted at the CALIBERS forum by member bobn, an assessment of 1911 fanatics: 1) Choose 1911 carefully. Agonize over it. 2) Buy 1911. 3) Start…
CALGUNS.NET has a discussion, available to the public, on our previous post entitled The SIMP Principle. The theory: “A shooter’s skill seems to be in… contributor Rich Verdi’s article Laser Sighting Systems as Training Aids is now available in the Articles section. This article first appeared in the International…
Plenty of people use night sights, and they are required equipment in most law enforcement and military pistol procurements these days. But how, exactly, do…
Well, SHOT Show 2008 is over and sadly many consider it one of, perhaps the worst SHOT in recent memory. There just wasn’t much to…
The Crime of the “Reliability Package” Spend enough time on any gun forum and you will soon be led to believe that you can’t live…
This post has been included as a permanent article here at Trying to decide which pistol to buy? If so, you’re probably looking for…
In response to our post Limp Wristing: The New Gremlin, reader Tim provided a link to a great test he performed, showing how a variety…
Shot the twenty-thousandth round through my personal M&P9 today. Most of the ammunition has been from ATK (including American Eagle, Blazer aluminum, and Speer Gold…
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a shooter, instructor, or firearms “expert” blame a malfunction on limp wristing. Please, just stop. Limp…