When someone says his pistol is reliable, what does that mean? I’ve met people who defined “reliable” based on the amount of ammo they carry…
When someone says his pistol is reliable, what does that mean? I’ve met people who defined “reliable” based on the amount of ammo they carry…
When it comes to shooting, I’m a performance oriented guy. I measure. I track. I care about hundredths of seconds and tenths of inches. Whenever…
How have I never seen this before today? Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
About halfway through my practice session yesterday, a young guy came onto the range and started blasting merrily away at his target with little to…
My good friend Jay Cunningham (Low Speed High Drag LLC) teaches a 1-day class called “Murphy Strikes!” that deals with various worst case scenarios, from…
Talking with Ken Hackathorn yesterday, we were both lamenting the steady decline of professional integrity in the firearms industry. Gone it seems are the days…
From Kyle Defoor‘s blog: Whoever chose this piece of shit to be issued to anyone- you’re an inexperienced pistol shooter who has no common sense.…
At the range today, I witnessed a range officer inform a customer that he needed to be inside his firing booth whenever handling a gun.…
Dear Brazilian Bank Robber, In the future, when dual wielding your epic Vorpal Pistols +5, suggest you either: (a) keep your finger off the trigger,…
Two more federal agencies ban the SERPA for their personnel due to safety concerns: USAF OSI and HHS OIG. Thanks to F-Trooper05 for the post. We…