Contest: Best One-Liner


This is an actual product (the Gemini Defense Z-Flex Sight, courtesy of The Firearms Blog).

Submit your entries via the Comment section. You may make as many suggestions as you want. Entries must be received by 11:59pm Sunday 21-April-2013. Best one-liner wins a baseball hat and my undying respect. (total prize value: the cost of a baseball hat)

Good luck.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. When you absolutely, positively, got to have your gun snag on your cover garment, use Z-Flex. Accept no substitutes.

  2. Zflex sights are now available with optional bump helmet and window pane for you to lick while riding on the tactical short bus!

  3. I was assimilated by the Borg and all I got were these crappy sights.

    Sure, you can barely aim – but their OODA loop is FUBAR.

    If your issued sidearm isn’t a Judge, !!Z-FLEX!!

    If you order now, we’ll also send you this solar-powered flashlight.

    Autoerotic asphyxiate your Glock.

    Now available for the M&P17.

    Like a black hole of suck – everything else in your life will be awesome.

    Z-Flex! … excuse me … sniffle … (I know, weak.)

    Without these, Tactical Joe can miss the sky. (Even weaker.)

    “I know naZ-flex.” (Really reaching here.)

    With integrated changing station for Condition Brown. (OK, I’m done.)

  4. For those times when a skirmish calls for volley fire at 500 yards from your Glock.

  5. Z-Flex: For when “Meh, good enough” is just TOO good.

    Z-Flex: Putting the ACK! in accuracy since 2013.

    Z-Flex: Combat-tested in front of the Empire State Building AND on Toyota pickup trucks in LA.

  6. Ranging and usage instructions: whole body view suggests you’d better transition to your rifle and half body view suggests you will shoot off opponent’s dick.

  7. New Dave Sevigney competition bowling pin destructo sights. Each set comes with a free serpa and box of frangible ammo.

  8. Z-flex: combat accurate.

    Z-flex: if you we’re an operator you would understand.

  9. and that not all, if you order right now we’ll throw in a mythical Gadget.

  10. Z-Flex: Whoops.

    Z-Flex: It SEEMED like a good idea…

    Z-Flex: You know what they say about men with big sights…

    Z-Flex: Small penis? Have we got the sights for you!

    Z-Flex: Someone WILL buy this. Trust us.

  11. Have you been shooting skeet your whole life and think pistol marksmanship is impossible? Have no fear as with our new call if duty inspires noob toob launching sights all you need is instinct! Every time you land a hit you will swear they make you better!

  12. Z-Flex Sights.. Mandatory gear of an Real Operator who Operates in Real Operations ..

  13. OOPS Typo .. Z-Flex Sights.. Mandatory gear of a Real Operator who Operates in Real Operations .. 🙂

  14. Tactical pray-and-spray is finally a reality. Need area suppression fire but all you got is your trusty blaster? Choose “Horned Turd Sites” by Z-Flex!

  15. Z-Flex – Take No Life. In field trials, our sights have consistently succeeded in preserving more perpetrator lives than all of our competitors combined. Z-Flex – the “Z” is for zero targets you will hit! Save a life today…just not your own.

  16. Z-Flex. The “Z” is for “accuracy”. Doesn’t make sense? Neither do our sights. Now give us your video game allowance money.

  17. z-flex sights! Our new zombie edition, face shooting made easy, special ops combat sight! Be like your favorite walking dead star today and begin shooting zombies in the face without aiming even on the move!

  18. Great – now I can masturbate while I practice AIWB drawing and reholstering.

    How am I supposed to focus on my front sight when I can’t stop laughing at my rear sight?

    Z-Flex: the Fleshlight of sights!

  19. I got here too late. Don’t think I can top these. Here goes anyway. “Z-Flex, the new sight you’ll replace your HoMeBoY night sights with.”

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