If you are interested in hosting a class, please contact me through this page.
On-Demand Performance (Pistol)
Pistol-Training.com’s flagship course, On-Demand Performance (ODP) is a 2-day class that focuses equally on technical excellence and cold performance. Cold performance is performance without any kind of warmup and is the only kind of performance that matters for most law enforcement and civilians. ODP offers training practices to build your cold ability and allow you to perform as well as possible. Students are tested to determine their current ability, and training is tailored to individual needs. The prerequisites for the class include the ability to draw and re-holster safely and students must pass a pre-test of five shots on a 3×5 card at 5 yards, with no time limit. The course requires a minimum of 1000 rounds of quality training ammo for your pistol and 4 magazines. Red dots or irons are equally welcome. Holsters may be duty holsters, IWB or OWB, strong-side or appendix however, unconcealed gun/holster combos are discouraged. Students also have the opportunity to test for the FAST coin if they wish. This course is ideal for the shooter who has the fundamentals of marksmanship down, but wants to become fast and efficient at hitting low-probability targets.
- Mentally and physically sound
- 1000 rounds (minimum)
- Concealed pistol/holster (9mm or larger unless discussed in advance)
- 4 magazines and 1 magazine pouch (minimum)
- Ability to draw and reholster safely as well as hit a 3×5 card at 5 yards on demand
- Weather-appropriate clothing and comfort/sustainment items
- Completed waiver
On-Demand Performance (Carbine)
A one-day course meant to be added at the end of a standard ODP pistol class, ODP Carbine focuses on fast and accurate employment of the modern carbine. Range and student dependant, we will employ the carbine out to 100 yards, focusing on 50 yards and closer. Building on many of the concepts taught in ODP Pistol, ODP Carbine will teach you to use the carbine as fast and accurately as possible while focusing on cold performance. Any modern carbine is welcome, but 5.56’s with 14.5-16″ barrels are most appropriate. Full tactical gear is not needed, but some way to carry spare ammo is desirable. Your back pocket will do if need be. You will need a minimum of 3 magazines and 500 rounds, plus support gear for your optics and carbine. Students are expected to know how to function their weapon and arrive with a zero’d carbine. We will break down all of the fundamentals, but a basic working knowledge of your carbine is required.
Q: If I bring more ammo will I be able to shoot more?
A: Yes! Some drills allow for more flexibility than others but much of the shooting will be at your own pace. Which also means that some people will shoot a little less than others.
Q: Why do you prefer to train with concealed guns instead of open carry holsters?
A: Anyone who is serious about carrying a pistol must be able to shoot effectively from concealment. Training from concealment strongly carries over to open carry, but the opposite is simply not true.
Q: If I can’t meet the prerequisites what will happen?
A: If you are unsafe, you will be unable to continue training. Safety requirements will be clearly laid out at the beginning of the day and you will have the chance to practice them. If you can’t hit a 3×5 card at 5 yards, you don’t yet have the skill needed to take advantage of this training. You are welcome to stay and shoot, but we will not take class time away from the students who do meet the requirements in order to try and get you up to speed. A second attempt to pass the test may be given as appropriate.
Q: Can I bring a 300 whatever instead of a 5.56?
A: If you want to, you are welcome to.
Q: Do I need an optic for either pistol or carbine?
A: No, iron sights are just fine, but there are some real benefits to optics that we will take advantage of in class if you do have them.