Eating the Elephant

Recently seen on a forum:I’m not going to worry about a few hundredths of a second with my splits.

What he really meant:I don’t know how to get faster and don’t want to make the effort so I’ve decided it’s not worth it.

While this particular comment was directed at splits (the time between shots on the same target), it could just as easily be applied to anything we work on: draws, reloads, malfunction clearances. There are a number of problems with that thought process, but let’s focus on the biggest one.

The reality is, getting much faster begins by getting a little faster. Maybe it isn’t worth worrying about whether you’ve got a 0.50 split versus a 0.47 split. But if you want to reach a point where you’re getting good, accurate hits with 0.25 splits you’ve got to start somewhere. You can’t expect to cut your speed in half in an afternoon. Serious repeatable performance gains that can be delivered on demand don’t happen overnight. You don’t go from a four second reload to a two second reload in one big jump.

Don’t ask yourself whether the first small step is worth it. Ask yourself if the destination is worth it.

People who win F.A.S.T. challenge coins don’t get to that skill level overnight. Their four second reloads became three and a half second reloads, three second reloads, and so on over months and years of practice.

Tiny improvements are not a goal unto themselves. They’re steps toward a goal.

If someone shoots 8″ groups at 10yd, would you criticize him for trying to get that down to seven… then six… and so on? It might take a long time before he’s shooting two inch groups but if he doesn’t take that first step he’ll never get there.

I’ll never understand people who say “I’m fast enough, I just need to keep working on accuracy,” or “I’m accurate enough, I just need to keep working on speed.” I don’t know what enough is going to be, so if you don’t mind I think I’ll keep working on all of it.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Mostly agree. Faster and more accurate are always better. However, at some point I gotta start prioritizing. Maybe all that time getting my draw from 1.2 sec to 1.1 sec would be better spent getting in shape, or working on some other weak area. Me, I love practising low percentage shots, like the all headshot string on the IDPA classifier. But where I could really make immediate improvement: Bill Drills and shooting on the move. At some point you reach diminishing returns getting too fixated on stuff.

  2. Back before I got a timer I used to read about these guys running .16, .17, .18 splits and knowing I was pretty quick figured “yeah so?”
    Crimony was that timer a shock to my system. I warn’t near as fast as I thought. Too much performance is never enough as the old stereo speaker ad used to say so agreed. Work for the max of all of the above. Another great blog.

    PS – I think I saw that same post. 😉

  3. Aim Fast Hit Fast “techniques” like FAST is not a TTP. It’s a test to gauge where you are on a combo of skills – hitting a low prob target fsat, reloading, and hitting a high prob target faster. Not being a combat veteran myself, are such skills irrelevent in a car jacking scenario? That’s sort of what I train for.

  4. That’s partly true. But I would give myself about 3 minutes to survive in combat; my name is pretty low on the board. ? I also box a heavy bag for building my hand to hand defense rather well but I wouldn’t get into a ring with Randy Couture. Point is, learning defensive moves in whatever form can be a useful tool and fun for recreation. My hats off to you Sir and I thank you for your service. I truly mean that with all respect.

  5. Aand you know this, how exactly? Have you actually taken the course in question?

  6. @ Forum User, there are many bridges across this great country, and I think one of them is missing a Troll…. please go away now.

  7. So,”Forun User”, you have taken Todd’s class, as in AFHF, as in the specific class called Aim Fast Hit Fast as taught by Todd Green, that class he teaches so that you have a specific knowledge of what skills are taught in Todd’s AFHF class?

  8. Go to YouTube and type in Tactical Response Fighting Pistol. The videos speak for themselves.

    They do indeed, which is why I’m staying away from Tactical Response. Thanks for the heads up!

  9. I take it the expression “acceptable combat accuracy” is used a lot over there.

  10. First of all “Forum User”, Todd does not pretend to teach fighting, and he certainly doesn’t pretend to teach competition shooting. he also isn’t Sig salesman. He simply teaches people how to shoot. Period. No posing about how his sensei is better than your sensei or any of that other stuff that is clearly bothering you. If you are as high speed as you would like us to believe, you would know that units that can, bring in guys to teach the things that Todd teaches. Usually their only qualification is that they’re good competition shooters.

    And by the way, your sensei (maybe “he” is “you”) is on video running away from the only bullets he’s ever seen on a two way range. His employer at the time officially considers him a coward, who failed his teammates when they needed him, and to this day uses his video as an example for new agents of what not to do when attacked. Go figure.

    Thanks for your service (if you do actually serve), but please, stay in your lane, just as Todd stays in his.

  11. Todd teaches a technical skill class, and he starts it with a disclaimer about his background. Whether you’re a paper shooter or a maneater, you can’t go anywhere far without technical skills. I’ve taken classes from members of many alphabetized units, and Todd’s class is as good or better than many.

    Some of those touted “tactical” classes are very one-dimensional, with almost no technical message. I’ve taken those too, and they have been the lowest-yield classes. When I see somebody stating that their pistol class is about fighting, not shooting, I give it 50/50 chance that instructors can’t really shoot pistol well.

    Many instructors state they have been in gunfights. Shooting somebody with a pistol, or rifle, doesn’t necessarily mean one was in a gunfight…Just food for thought.

  12. It’s like a strawman convention up in here. Can I play?

    Todd IS a great pistol shooting teacher. Todd IS NOT a great cooking teacher. They are two different animals. One Todd is good at, the other not. 50% is not bad.

  13. So in all seriousness, how did you guys not know what you were getting into when you signed up for Todd’s class? He has never pretended to be or teach something he’s not. If you disagreed with some things he does, or just didn’t get that much out of the class for whatever reason (Todd and I disagree about some aspects of shooting) that’s one thing. To not know what you were signing up for is another. That’s on you, and your lack of research.

    I just don’t understand the baseless, unwarranted attack on Todd from forum user, and now, out of nowhere, some random supporters of his. Seems a little fishy to me.

  14. Drama drama drama.

    I was happy to let this go because I have no problem discussing what is and isn’t in my background or what I do and don’t try to teach.

    However, it’s clear now that this was just another troll attack. Forum User, Jason S., David, and Glock Dude, so far, have all been the same user from the same domain in Tukwila, Washington, just using different spam email accounts. Kirk B. is from a mobile account in the same area. This same domain has spammed here before.

    I believe he/she/it dragged Tactical Response into this just to throw fuel on the fire.

    Sorry, I know it was fun while it lasted.

    And to all the folks who jumped in to stand up for me or just say nice things about me — especially the ones who know me and should know better 8) — I genuinely appreciate it.

  15. Emanuel — I wouldn’t even speculate, and honestly it’s not important. Someone with a grudge and too much free time pops on here once in a while to cause a ruckus. Such is life…

  16. Tam,

    Once you’ve gained knowledge from your one true sensei, why would you want to taint that with exposure to anything else.

    It’s all about intellectual purity. Don’t you know anything? 😉

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