FBI Revolver Training, circa 1961

Thanks to JAD on pistol-forum for finding this great video:

The revolver is no respecter of persons. It will kill anyone at whom it is pointed, whether that person is the holder of the weapon, the criminal, or an innocent bystander. Never point your revolver at anyone unless you are justified… and are ready and willing to kill that person.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. In many ways, very little has changed in over 50 years.

    “Red guns”, mind-set; terms like how much of a sight picture is needed to make a shot, etc, etc…. Accuracy at speed, practice, practice…

  2. Great stuff!
    I was expecting the weak-arm-across-the-chest tactic, though.
    Am borrowing (stealing) this, with credits, of course.


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