Four Added to F.A.S.T. Wall in Indy

Four students shot their way onto the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame during this weekend’s Aim Fast, Hit Fast class in Indianapolis, shooting Advanced (faster than 7.00 seconds) on the F.A.S.T.

  • John Nelson (6.04)
  • Chip S. (6.19)
  • Jacob McAdams (6.22)
  • Nick Drakulich (6.52)

Congratulations to all four of you on an outstanding performance!

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Todd,

    Great class! Really enjoyed every minute and look forward to seeing you at either Wilmington, OH or Indianapolis next year.

  2. Srsly.

    When I picked the word “pedagogy” to use in my fangirl squee post, it was picked very deliberately.

    “I’m going to make you a better shooter” is a nebulous goal.

    “I am going to teach you to do D. So here’s how to do A. And here’s how to do B. Now here’s how to do A+B. Now let’s work on C…” That is something that not just anybody can do.

  3. Thanks Todd!

    The class was worth every penny, and im also grateful to John for keeping me in-mind when a spot for the class came available. Thanks John! This is by-far the best class I have taken on building pure shooting skills. I picked up so many bits of useful information to use, and I definitely feel like I improved my speed & accuracy from prior to attending the class.

    The amount of drills that we ran that I will take back and use on a regular basis, were worth the price of admission alone. Todd’s instruction was as good as it gets. Todd keeps the class moving, keeps it safe, keeps you laughing, and he definitely knows his shit.

    Stay safe,

  4. And yeah, the new targets worked great. Im sure it also helps the flow of the class by not having to change target so often.

  5. I want to thank Todd and all my fellow students who were able to attend this weekend. As expected it was a kick ass class and judging by the scores everyone came out a better shooter. Actually, I am crouching as I type this so maybe something is sinking in.

  6. One of your early Sunday night training classes had a revo shooter. I shot next to him. It was interesting watching him shoot the FAST drill. If I remember right he used speedloaders.

  7. Make that Sunday night practice session. Are those going to happen again?

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