Four Added to F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame

Four students from last weekend’s Aim Fast, Hit Fast class in Memphis earned advanced scores on the F.A.S.T. drill even after the unexpected excitement of Sunday morning. Congratulations to all four of them for their excellent achievement. Some of these guys were literally fractions of a second away from earning challenge coins…

  • Matt Fields (6.89 seconds)
  • David Barnes (6.21 seconds)
  • John Hearne (5.46 seconds)
  • Randy Richardson (5.38 seconds)

A review has already been posted up at by one of these students if you would like to hear more details about the class.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. where do you find people make up the most time on this drill Todd? I make a purpose of not practicing the drill itself, but the various components of it are part of my regular routine. I find the draw and reload seem to be the most problematic for most people.

  2. I’d break it into time frames. You have to have the head shots in 2 seconds, you must reload in 2 seconds, and the four body shots in 1 second.

  3. John is 100% on the money. John shoots a P220 DA/SA Sig like a house of fire as well.

    For me, I knew I had both my head shots. I knew because I took the time to look. That had to cost me a .25 easy. You have to do a “pressout” breaking both shots and just “know” they are going to be there. Looking put me well past the 2.0 deadline John outlined.

    It is possible that I could shave a bit of time with an open front cover garment ( I used a untucked polo) re my reload and doing it higher up and closer to my face like I was instucted to do on multiple occasions by Todd. Even with these improvements, I do not think I have a sub 5.0 run in me.

    John and Randy absolutely have sub 5.0 runs in them in a sanctioned setting.

    Still, all in all, AFHF was a great class I want to repeat after applying the lessions taught and practicing them perfectly.

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