
The first thing ever written at pistol-training.com was about the importance of having goals.

Each practice session should involve goals and a plan to achieve that goal. That’s easy. All it requires is a little bit of thought in advance. Recently, I had a random fellow at the range approach me and comment that every time he sees me, I have an efficient and organized approach to my practice. Yes I do. Before I get to the range, I already have a general plan about what skills I’m going to work on and what drills I’ll use to do so.

To see serious long-term improvement you also need serious long-term goals. And candidly, over the past four years, I have not followed that advice. My focus has been on testing guns, round counts, and chasing faults where I find them. Incremental improvements are possible that way, but the learning curve gets pretty flat.

It took seeing how Caleb Giddings (of Gun Nuts Media), BOM, and GOP began their Training Journal threads at pistol-forum.com to remind me that I haven’t set a serious long-term goal for my shooting in recent memory. In fact, the last one may have been making Master in IDPA… which I achieved in the late 90’s.

So over the next several weeks, I will be compiling my 2012 shooting goals. Some will be performance based (earn a perfect score on the 99 Drill) and some will be activity based (dry fire at least x-times per week). But they will all help guide my shooting for the entire year, motivate me, and keep me on track.

What will your shooting goals be for the next year?

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(photo by JV)


  1. #1- get back to the USA where I can actually start shooting after 2 years.
    #2- Remaster the fundimentals…

    That’s a start from this end of the world…

  2. Shoot a FAST in under 7. So far I need to shave about half a second.

    Make “Expert” in IDPA

    Dry Fire Exercises and Reload Drills twice a week.

  3. Goals:

    1) get a reliable 9/10 shots on 2″ circles at 7 yards, no time limit, SHO and WHO for both SA/DA. I’m doing that at 5 yards right now, and over the past month really made some big strides. It’s actually fun, and I there’s no measurable difference anymore between WHO or SHO, or SA vs DA.

    2) From the holster firing a single shot, make a reliable 9/10 hits using the press-out on a 3″ circle at 7 yards in 2 seconds.

  4. Get a Triple Nickel Society Coin. I shot it 10 times the other day and was under the time for six of the runs, but had a few misses. I have another training day Monday and will try and get another 10 runs in. If I can shoot it consistently, I am going to have my Air Marshall friend set it up for me. Todd, if I get a coin, you will be the first to know about it, because I know that despite all of your cursing of me, you are really rooting for me way down in the bottom of your heart.

  5. I was that “random fellow” from the range. I am fairly new to shooting and brand new to the idea of training seriously. Todd, you have inspired me to take the first steps to really improving my shooting. Those first steps are daunting though. Where does one start to gather the information to implement a progressive, comprehensive training plan? It doesn’t matter that I don’t know the answer right now. What matters is that I am now motivated to find the information, then implement it. So, thank you Todd for taking time to speak with me at the range and for being a good example for me of how one should train.

  6. Bullets — Good luck, dude! I’m totally jealous.

    Al — No problem and welcome to the site! Check out (the forum for some great information about forming and executing your plan. See you at the range.

  7. Todd-I really would like to take the time to say thank you. We meet some time ago on the range, when I first got my P30. I can honestly say that that 10 min you spent had a profound impact on my shooting. The information and perspectives that you provide on the site are very good. So, the lack of focus on yourself has been to the benefit of those whom had a chance to meet you or visit the site.
    Stop being so selfish! LOL

    No, but really, thank you. I think it’s great that you are taking some time to set new goals. It’s that very attitude that of self improvement that was evident the day I bumped into you on the range.

    Thanks and good luck, I would say keep us posted.

  8. Make M in Production. Attend ECQC with Southnarc. One track day at Summit Point. Kayak at least one of the classic class 4 rivers in WV. Make a knife I’m proud to carry.

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