Grip, or Draw?

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve done some training with Dustin Solomon and Building Shooters. They recently put out an article that is relevant to our last post about the draw. You can read it here.

There is no correct way to teach the draw if your students haven’t already learned the proper grip. I see grip problems every single day that I teach, and the people with grip issues rarely if ever overcome them. I learned to draw the gun after I learned to grip it. This was understood in the 90s and I know it was taught correctly much earlier than that. Every class I teach covers the grip before the draw, and I reinforce it throughout the class.

A gun is not a baseball bat, and should not be gripped the same way. Just like golf clubs and tennis racquets are gripped differently from a baseball bat, a pistol needs its own grip. I talked about the proper grip here. That was almost 2 years ago, and my grip has evolved slightly since then. Nonetheless, the article is about how I generally teach the grip, not how I actually grip the gun. I may have to update it soon, but it mostly holds true, and works very well for people who don’t know how to grip a pistol correctly.

I didn’t realize that anyone thought the draw should or could be taught before the grip, but I learn something new everyday.

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