Happy New Year!

Happy 2013 from all of us at pistol-training.com!

Train hard & stay safe!


  1. Todd, Sorry to hear that your cancer has returned. . . (knowing how incompetent some in the medical profession can be, might pay to double check that it’s not the kidney that has returned!!) Before you submit to all the chemo/radiation treatment, do abit of research on diet, etc. There are a lot of kooky fixes out there but tumeric has been showing alot of promise and I know from experience with several friends who have had various cancers that the best way to beat the nausea associated with chemo, etc. is cannabis preperations. A lot of reseach in England and Israel too . .I read the other day they have breed (with out any genetic manipulation – just cross breeding) a nil THC variety but with all the anti cancer/anti nausea stuff intact. Something to think about as you go on your journey. The medical profession is largely beholden to the big pharmacutical corporations and they are only about $$. best of luck and above all else STAY POSITIVE. . . . it does seem to help in winning

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