Tim (TCinVA) continues to take it for the team, finishing up the first month of dedicated Hi-Point shooting at GunNuts.net with some genuinely surprising results.
The gun actually looks good in a high quality holster.
- Dot Torture at seven yards turned in a 43 out of 50! And not to pick on Tim but he acknowledges his lack of WHO practice with the gun’s challenging trigger played a big role in his dropping all five of the weak hand shots.
- A 2.21″ offhand 25yd 5-shot group with P9HST3 (124gr +p HST). For comparison, with the same ammo, from a sandbag rest, the PTC test Glock G17 averaged 2.52″ when new…
- Reliability improves when the gun gets cleaned and lubricated every 200rd. While this is certainly more TLC than the folks at pistol-training.com are accustomed, it’s hard to fault the gun too harshly. How many people buy a $150 gun and then shoot $75 worth of ammo through it at one time? Sure, I’d chew glass before I’d clean a gun that often but I don’t think the typical Hi-Point owner buys ammo in quantities that make truck drivers cranky. And “improved reliability” is a relative thing… the gun experienced nine stoppages in less than 500 rounds this week. I’m no math wizard but I think that’s worse than 1:2000 Mean Rounds Between Stoppage, isn’t it?
I continue to commend Tim on his bravery (50 rounds of +p ammo through a Hi-Point without a welding mask?) and his objective approach to seeing what the Hi-Point can really do. Check out all the details over at Gun Nuts.
Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
(photo stolen from gunnuts.net totally without permission …)
Maybe it is my mood but that is the funniest pic I have seen this week.
Nice Kydex + Hi-Point FTW! LOL
Sorry… shutting up now.
The truly interesting thing that’s emerging is that at least in terms of accuracy, if it’s fed the right ammunition the pistol is more capable than the person holding it.
…which given the accuracy problems seen in other handguns on the market these days is pretty darn remarkable.
The group pictured in the blog post was just my first +P shots through the pistol. What I fully expected to be throw away while I figured out what, if any, difference the ammo made in the necessary sight picture. When I reeled the target back in I stared in slack-jawed amazement at that group…which I’m absolutely certain would have been even better had I not screwed up on the last shot with the called flyer that ended up in the 9 ring.
Now awaiting the new “Independent testing demonstrates the Hi-Point exceeds Glock GEN4 accuracy” advertising campaign…
Seriously though, this has been an entertaining test to follow.
With the fixed barrel I’m not shocked.
The smallest 25 yard group I ever fired was with a Jennings J22 loaded with CCI Mini Mag HPs.
I could cover the 7 round group with a nickel. If I didn’t have witnesses I would never claim it.