Home Defense CQB

Not everyone can teach it:

(via pdb via View From The Porch)

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. He’s “that guy” from everyone’s local gun show. They usually hang out between the Nazi memorabilia and the flare gun that looks like an M203.

  2. Pete Rose …. thank you. That was killing me figuring out where I’d seen this guy before.

  3. Yeah, Pete’s had alot of time on his hands to think about this stuff. Maybe he could get together with OJ and swap ideas

  4. I had to ask what I should do with the body, I don’t live in San Diego. I am hoping one of the rivers in Pittsburgh will be acceptable. I await his expert opinion.

  5. The point of this video was WHAT????

    This was the biggest waste of time ever. Just another typical idiot who’s gene pool has been contaminated ( in the shallow end ).

  6. Suppose the dude is really short? Can I just use the one contractor bag? Those things are expensive, you know; you get a half-dozen guys bust up in your house at once, and you’re out ten or twelve bucks…

  7. L.T. – Just go to the 5:45 mark, this is where he talks about being home free if you kill an intruder … and the cops don’t show after an hour. Then discusses using Husky 3 mil trash bags to dispose of the body.

  8. “This is what I do out here . . .”

    So you get a lot of home invasions, do ya?

    I wonder what Husky is going to think of this method of advertising their product. Will they thank him for picking up on this overlooked market segment, maybe throw him a lifetime supply?

  9. Shooting a home intruder, waiting an hour to call 911, and attempting to dispose of the body in garbage bags.


    Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan.

  10. TCinVA – Don’t forget to precede all of that with making a video of your intentions and posting it on YouTube!

  11. TC, please pay attention. He never said wait an hour to call 911. You don’t call 911 at all – the hour wait is in case someone else did. When a pro like this has taken the time to give advice, the least we could do is get it right.

  12. At least he seems to understand the importance of safe muzzle direction. Except when he points the shotgun at his hand. But that’s just something that’s going to happen, you can’t help it. 8)

  13. You all missed the point. It’s not the specifics that matter, it’s the mindset. One of them is going to die, and he doesn’t care which one. This man is Musashi re-incarnated, and we would do well to heed his 100’s of years of experience. Do you think you would call the police in feudal Japan? Of course not. A ninja might show up, pretending to be the police, and then you’ve got another body to dispose of. This is practical advice, make fun at your own peril.

  14. Dog! I’ll have to take 2 weeks off to go up the San Diego Freeway since I live in NC.

  15. Mentally handicapped bagman teaches how to survive a home invasion robbery, now I’ve seen it all….

  16. His response to me living far away from San Diego:

    “Ah yes. Pittsburgh and the East Coast, the home of the Mafia and some of my favorite people. Yes indeed. Dumping the body into a river is a legitimate disposal method and works well.”

  17. It’s advice like this that sets me against the current “open carry–no one needs a permit or class” train of thought.

    Frankly, I don’t even care if a CHL class teaches you to shoot, because a day or two of pistol instruction is worthless if you never practice (and most won’t). Marksmanship and gun-handling is rarely what gets people in trouble–poor decision-making is what screws people.

    You should at least be aware of basic self-defense law and legal procedures (i.e., don’t destroy evidence). What’s amazing is this guy is advising something almost guaranteed to get you convicted if you get caught in a situation that is legally the easiest slam-dunk case of justified self-defense (night-time burglaries).

    And shooting it out with the police because “how do I know they’re really the police?” … Wow.

    The amount of fail in this video is epic.

  18. “Contractor Cleanup Bags”… Oh, the jokes write themselves!

    But I tell ya what…. I’d never want to date his daughter.

  19. It’s advice like this that sets me against the current “open carry–no one needs a permit or class” train of thought.

    2 of 3 states I’ve lived in didn’t require training, and yet sell no more Husky contractor bags per capita than the norm…

  20. He probably thought all this stuff out while he was in federal prison; correcting old mistakes.

  21. My state doesn’t require training. I guess I’m a dumbass.

    I think video is awesome. I literally laughed out loud watching it. I never do that.

  22. ???? Did I miss something ????

    I´ll need to take a class with him, seriously 😉

  23. In one of his other videos (Video #73) he notes that he indeed has training. He was educated at a popular institution named after the primary frontal aiming device which comes standard on most firearms. He states he was the line coach during that particular 4 day HG course. OUTSTANDING!

  24. FM – That was my thought too. He will make the news and they’ll be talking about all of the warning signs that were ignored.

  25. Surprised he didn’t mention that friends help you move, but best friends help you move bodies (in Hefty bags).

  26. I was going to Todd’s FAST class this weekend in College Station. Im thinking about dumping that to go to San Diego and learn from the true master.

  27. I heard that he can cut up, bag, and bury a FAST target in less than five seconds, clean, on demand every time.

  28. LMAO–except you know that somewhere there is somebody saying to themselves “Cool” and putting Hefty contractor bags and a roll of black duct tape on their shopping list.

    This was like watching a wreck on the highway–you know it’s going to be bad but you just can’t stop looking….

  29. This morning I had to clean my computer screen. I watched the video while eating breakfast. When the simpleton brought out the bags I lost it.

  30. This video was also posted on pdb and is another mind-boggling example of what not to do. (HK Mark 23? Wow.)

  31. At first my wife was asking me what craziness I was watching… then she started reading the comments here and on youtube with me… now we’re both cracking up. Classic. I wonder if he trained under Gecko 45…

  32. Was that a slam on Gecko 45…?

    This guy has now posted a rebuttal video because of all the comments he’s received about “video #20.”

  33. cloudhidden thanks for sharing that link. Yet another fine example that everybody can be a somebody… on the internet. A true 56kB certified Bad A$$.

  34. Wow. Sadly enough, I know that guy.

    I actually know him, and about 40 of his clones. I have had to un-teach countless students because of assholes like this.

  35. Pfft Hefty bags are so yesterday, I’ve got a 6 cylinder Chevy driven 8 5/8 meat grinder on the farm and 25,000 hungry mink. Much simpler.

  36. Rob E, haven’t you seen Snatch? The correct method involves being a pig farmer. 😛

    Regarding the vid that cloudhidden linked, wow, how much money did that guy waste in that short time? Mark 23 mags are 12 rounds, right? Looked like he dumped about 18 or 19 mags worth, so that’s over 200 rounds of .45 to knock down about 30 pins? I sure hope he reloads…

  37. Husky contractor clean-up bags???

    Everybody knows that rolling the perp up in a carpet is less suspicious.

    God Bless,

  38. pig farm has been done in BC already (much to everyones horror actually).

  39. Posted By Myself on Mar 29, 2011

    “Naw, he’s in Missouri so if he hung out where you say I would know him.”

    Correction: After watching his other videos it appears he resides in California. I believe I am now hooked on his videos and if I had a youtube I would subscribe, he is awesome.

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