
I am still learning this whole blog thing, so please bear with me as I sort through various issues that pop up from time to time.

A – We are having some technical issues with the comments section so I apologize that they have been down for so long. We are working on it.

2nd – I recently discovered some messages that were sent to me, but that I was not notified about and cannot seem to reply to. If you sent me a legit message/email and I did not reply, it is likely because I didn’t see them until now. You might be surprised at how much spam we get every day. Please use the contact me part of the blog if you would like to get in touch. I enjoy “talking” to everyone who takes the time to write.

B – Let me just say here that shooting a G26 in competition is awesome, but I am at the point where I want to enjoy what I am doing, and if that means a bigger heavier gun, then so be it. As long as you are competent with your G26, I see no issue. Actually, there are a few really important issues, but as long as they are accounted for, have at it! I will put a post up soon talking about my P30/Glock training saga.

3rd – That is all. 🙂

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