Justin Dyal: F.A.S.T. Coin #05

Congratulations to Justin Dyal for earning the #05 F.A.S.T. Challenge Coin during a shooting session at the NRA Range on Wednesday night.

Justin, who is already on the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame for his 5.66 score during the September 2009 Aim Fast, Hit Fast class in North Carolina, turned in a coin-winning run tonight with the following times:

  • 4.98 (clean): 1.84, .50 / 1.96 / .25, .23, .20
  • 4.62 (clean): 1.88, .40 / 1.77 / .20, .19, .18

Justin’s pistol is a Smith & Wesson M&P9 that had a do-it-yourself trigger job, stippled backstrap, and a combination of Warren Tactical rear sight with Speed Shooter Specialties front fiber optic sight. Holster used was a Safariland “Custom Fit” paddle with Comp-Tac magazine pouches. Ammunition was bulk Winchester White Box. And for concealment, Justin donned his extremely untactical rain coat.

Great job, Justin! Well earned and well deserved, my friend.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(note: coin pictured above is author’s, #00, and not Dyal’s #05)


  1. Ok sorry for the completely noob question, but what do you mean when you say “clean”? Thanks in advance.

  2. DougP — “clean” means he got all of his hits. Shooting the F.A.S.T., there is a 2-second penalty for misses to the 3×5 box and a 1-second penalty for misses to the 8″ circle. To earn a challenge coin, you twice need to shoot the drill faster than 5.00 seconds and you need to do it clean both times.

  3. Justin,

    Way to go man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is VERY good shooting!!!!!

    And I know how hard that drill really is, to get two good runs!!

  4. Disregard, my last post. I found the info, just have to read a little. Thanks!

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