KSTG Match Stages 28-May-13

Here are the stages from last night’s KSTG Match at the NRA Range. These are videos of me on my second run through the match as I forgot to video my first. My combined score on the second attempt was almost four seconds faster.

First two stages were the Triple Nickel, except obviously hits that count for Triple Nickel ordinarily could still be points down in KSTG so it paid to get all your hits inside the 8″ A-zone. This run was 5.07, and my other was 5.72.

Stage three was at very close range from an obstructed position. As you can see at the beginning of the video, you’re literally inches away from non-threat targets. The closest threat was about five feet away and the other was maybe all of seven feet away. Time here is 2.01 clean.

Stage four had you engage a difficult headshot only target inside an “armored limousine” then shoot the driver and two wide open threats. As you can see (and hear from the laughter of the ROs), I was a little too wide open on the last two targets and wasted what was otherwise a very fast run. Score here was 4.20 clean, at least.

Stage five was our equivalent of a “field course” running the width of the range. You engage the same two targets from Stage 3, except now the range is about 8yd and those non-threats from before obscure the targets. Then two of the five Triple Nickel targets (the ones with blue legs) need two on each while moving. Finally, all four of the targets from Stage 4 need two each including the head shot inside the limousine with a non-threat in front of it. Time here was 12.67 clean (first run was much slower at 15.98 clean).

Thanks as always to all the ROs and the whole KSTG gang.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

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