Never Forget.

Never Forgive.

Train hard & stay safe. ToddG


  1. “. . . delivering the vengeance due them.” spoken by Admiral Mullen a few minutes ago at the Pentagon memorial ceremony. Well said.

  2. Never forgive? It’s a good thing for me that God doesn’t hold that attitude. I’ll have a hard time forgetting the 225,000 killed and $3.2-4 TRILLION spent on the illegal wars against nations not even involved in the attacks. Dumbass. At least your site is useful.

  3. Oh man, that reply by Boo is too funny. The guy comes in here spouting about God and forgiveness and in the very next sentence calls you a dumbass. There’s some fine Christian virtue on display from one of His true humble followers. Wow.

  4. Billy Shears, thank you for calling me out on that. I occasionally struggle with an issue with blurting out inappropriate things. I had wished I could edit the comment but my heart was exposed and I can’t deny it.

    ToddG, I apologize and won’t troll again.

  5. “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”

    Jesus Christ

    Mark 11:25-26

    Here is my “sermon” on Mark 11:25-26

    Point #1. We are at war with Islam. Not a nation; not a separate faction; not a radical splinter. But with all who call Allah their god. To them, we are the infidel. To them we are the evil ones whose death is pleasing to their god. No matter how soft the speech of those “good muslims” may sound, they are set against our very existence. And no political correctness will ever change this fact.

    Point #2. We must fight with all our nations strength, both politically and militarily, in order to safeguard our families and our nation. There will never be peace without war. Never. “Hearts and Minds” is a myth, not a campaign. Brute force is the only method which can defend the innocent against such evil.

    Point #3. While our enemies death is a necessity, it need not be a joy. It is sad that these human beings were born into such hatred and deception. As children, they were malleable and tender. They were open to all their parents would impress upon them. Sadly, they were handed over to such wickedness by the very ones who gave them life. This is the greatest tragedy of human kind; that innocent children would be made to “stumble” by their elders.

    Point #4. There is mercy found when we realize they too are victims. We can see that if it had been us who were born in the same circumstances, we too would be blinded by the exact same hatred and deception. In this, we can forgive them.

    Point #5. Forgiveness does not circumvent justice. A heart that has mercy and forgiveness toward its enemy does not abandon its duty to protect what is loved, and to enforce consequence. God in His great love and mercy will surely do the same. Only honest repentance will avoid such wrath. In the case of our enemy, repentance has yet to be seen.

    Conclusion. Since we are at war, we must fight with all we have to secure the death of our unrepentant enemy who would kill us and all we hold dear. This is not a joy, but neither is this a fight we choose to initiate. Nevertheless, we must choose to finish it.

    May God guard our hearts from bitterness.
    May God protect our troops and give them victory.
    May God give us a leader with a heart for Him.
    May God Bless America.

  6. I haven’t forgotten 9/11/01 or the sacrifices made by the brave men and women of the Armed Forces.

  7. Boo: Your apology was gracious but your original comment that the wars were “illegal” calls for a comment. They might have been unwise, or stupid, or badly run or whatever (I will let others debate that) but they weren’t illegal. Both were expressly approved by Congress and both had more than adequate justification under traditional international law. They were, and are, legal wars fought by legal means.

    Todd, as for the original comment, I had a friend in the south tower who did not make it out. His only child was born three weeks later. She started 4th grade last week. He and 3,000 some others were murdered that day by evil men pursuing an evil plan. I am not forgetting and I am not forgiving.

    For those of you on this board who have pursued AQ and their allies, thank you for your service and sacrifice. I know that many of you feel precisely the same way that the majority here do. We can never get the crazies to like us, but we can get the ones whom we don’t kill to fear us and you have been doing that very well.

  8. Funny how the website that Boo linked us to “Cost of War” is now for sale. Have to wonder if he was on other forums and not treated as well as he was here.

  9. I will never forget and commemorated the day in my own way. ToddG also made it special for me with his announcement yesterday.

  10. Stephen, we are not at war with Islam, we are at war with radical terrorists who make illiterate children and men believe that Islam tells them to go kill infidels. Islam is a very peaceful religion by nature.

    I’d rather be stuck in a room full of Islamics than one with a single born-again Christian, that’s for sure.

  11. Billy Ng: For a short while I was under the same impression you are with respect to Islam. Through the nature of the work I do I began researching the religion. There are few credible translations of the Koran but I did manage to find and collaborate some. The Koran itself does preach significant violence to non-believers. Not really to the extent that would totally distance itself from the bible, but it is worth noting. I feel its important for us (westerners) to realize the difference between extremists and fundamentalists. The Koran gives “true” Muslims three options. 1) kill infidels. 2) allow them to convert 3) allow them religious freedom as long as they submit to islamic law (sharia….I probably spelt that wrong) as they agree to a gizra (again my spelling is likely off) which means tax.

    Islam by means of letter of the law is actually quite violent. The redeeming quality of the vast majority of Muslims is that they choose to pursue their religious beliefs in a peaceful way (not unlike the majority of Christians).

    While I’ve devoted most of my adult life to the practice of defending my countrymen from various threats through the perfection of violence, i do believe that a mutual understanding of each other’s life pursuits is the only way to stop the constant killing.

    I submit this merely as opinion.

  12. I forgot to mention. Though I am not American…..I have not forgotten… Nor will I…..

    Good luck and good training to our sheep-dogs…

  13. Written about 1660 by Ivan Sirko. The Cossacks answer to the Sultan of Turkey when asked to submit to Turkish rule:

    The Zaporozian Kozaks to the Sultan of Turkey

    Thou Turkish Satan, brother and companion to the accursed Devil, and companion to Lucifer himself, Greetings!

    What the hell kind of noble knight art thou? The Devil voids, and thy army devours. Never wilt thou be fit to have the sons of Christ under thee: thy army we fear not, and by land and on sea we will do battle against thee.

    Thou scullion of Babylon, thou wheelwright of Macedonia, thou beer-brewer of Jerusalem, thou goat-flayer of Alexandria, thou swineherd of Egypt, both the Greater and the Lesser, thou sow of Armenia, thou goat of Tartary, thou
    hangman of Kamenetz, thou evildoer of Podoliansk, thou grandson of the Devil himself, thou great silly oaf of all the world and of the netherworld and, before our God, a blockhead, a swine’s snout, a mare’s ass, a butcher’s cur, an unbaptized brow, May the Devil take thee! That is what the Kozaks have to say to thee, thou basest-born of runts! Unfit art thou to lord it over true Christians!

    The date we write not for no calendar have we got; the moon is in the sky, the year is in a book, and the day is the same with us here as with thee over there, and thou canst kiss us thou knowest where!

  14. OTOH, we have forgiven Britain, Mexico, the South, Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Japan. We forgive everybody sooner or later.

  15. MikeO,

    The difference is all of those others folks eventually stopped trying to wipe us out.

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