New Student F.A.S.T. Record

Congratulations go to Spencer Keepers of Oklahoma for an outstanding 5.19 (clean) on the F.A.S.T. during last weekend’s Aim Fast, Hit Fast class. Not only does his score get him a spot on the Wall of Fame but it puts Spencer at the very top of the list with the best score ever turned in by a student.

(thanks to Mandi for the photo)

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Congrats to Spencer!

    Now all of you that attended this class need to start an AAR online with pics so I can drool on what to look forward to in October.

  2. Thanks again Spencer for hosting the class! It was a great weekend and I learned a lot. The class is called Aim Fast, Hit Fast but Todd has a strict accuracy requirement and you will get penalized if you take what he says and throw it out the window when shooting (like me).

    fried catfish

  3. Todd,
    Thanks man for a great class!!!!!!!!


    Don’t start nothin wount be nothin!!!!

    Besides I had to pay ya back for Tulsa…
    Hope to shoot with you soon..

  4. I thought it was blackened…

    Spencer: You and I shall continue to inspire greatness in the other!

  5. Wayne
    Your right there!! Let get together and shoot some time!

    And for the last time, That is the fried catfish!!!

  6. Wayne, bring him a jar of tarter sauce if you meet up with Spencer.

  7. When Ed told me about the wayward catfish order, I laughed so hard I about fell out of the car! Sounds like you guys were in the terminally stupid zone at that Cracker Barrel!

  8. Way to go Spencer. It was a great class and a great bunch of shooters, thanks again for hosting.

  9. Wayne, there is a thin line between being inspirational and depressing:). I’ve been doing press-outs since my March AFHF class and I still can’t beat 1 second on the first shot from ready. I am not even talking about draw etc. So, yeah, right now I am not too sympathetic to all of you 5 +/- fraction of a second crowd…. 🙂
    Seriously, you all are inspirational to us, mere mortals…

  10. Spencer,

    Great to meet you in Tulsa. You were a most gracious host for dinner on Friday. Congratulations on both your FAST TEST times.


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