Newest Inductee to F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame

Congratulations to YVK for earning a spot on the F.A.S.T. Wall with his clean 6.68 run during this past weekend’s Aim Fast Hit Fast class in Salt Lake City, UT! You can read YVK‘s thoughts about the class on his AAR page at

Also, congratulations to Corey Hubbard for his second Advanced rating in an AFHF, turning in a 6.59 to become the class’s top shooter.

Thanks go to host Mike D. for a great job organizing the class and to Mr & Mrs SecondsCount for pulling Range Officer duty, giving up their weekend to sit around watching the rest of us have fun.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Todd- You are very welcome!

    We need good trainers in Utah and were more than happy to host a class of this caliber.

    Congrats to YVK and Corey, I know they both worked hard for it.

  2. YVK is a good guy and a hard worker on his shooting skill set. All the best to him and his future efforts.

  3. SC, thanks – as Todd mentioned during the after-party [how do you all like the term?], having somebody watch you and correct errors is priceless. You know that you’ve picked up at least one thing I didn’t know I was doing…

    Wayne – double-thanks. Guys like you set up bars that others set in their sights, pun intended. Hopefully, we’ll get to shoot together again one day.

  4. I was very happy to have hosted the class, Todd. Thanks for putting up with my lousy shooting and giving me all the great tips this past weekend. I promise I won’t bore you with another 2-hour-long story next time.

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