NYPD on the F.A.S.T. Wall

Congratulations to NYPD’s L.K. for his 5.80 clean F.A.S.T. run on Monday at a special Aim Fast, Hit Fast class held at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, NY. L.K. is the 102nd person to earn a spot on the F.A.S.T. Wall of Fame since its beginning in 2008.

The cadets, officers, and guests of the USMA Combat Weapons Team also earned the distinction of being only the second class in pistol-training.com history to have every single student graduate with at least an Intermediate rating on the F.A.S.T. From Firstie to Cow to Yuk (Yuck?) to Plebe, all of the cadets shot the test in under ten seconds, wearing plates and the rest of their combat gear. The cadets and their OIC MAJ Kliewer showed tremendous dedication to duty and their training by giving up a rare four day holiday pass. Instead, they stayed at West Point to work on their pistol skills. The cadets literally sacrificed a long weekend with their families (and girlfriends) … something few of us would have done as college students. Every year I teach at USMA I am reminded of just how blessed our nation is to have such dedicated young warriors. Even if some of them are a little too shy to Riverdance at the mexican restaurant after dinner.

Finally, a huge thank you to my friend Jack Leuba aka Failure2Stop of F2S Consulting who volunteered his time over the holiday weekend to help teach an incredible class. Jack’s extensive real world experience in Iraq and Afghanistan brought home some very important lessons for the cadets. You can expect to see Jack back at USMA in the future teaching his outstanding carbine program.

And for the record, Jack didn’t Riverdance, either.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. Todd – All i want to know is did you riverdance, and if you did, I want to see footage. Someone had to have a cell phone or something 🙂

  2. Yuks are Sophomore cadets. It’s cadet slang for “Yearlings”… Wish you had been able to come up there when I was still there… though that’s coming up on 4 years ago!

  3. And which mexican restaurant did they take you to? I hope it wasn’t the Hacienda in Highland Falls…

  4. Second that, I am working with the USCG Combat Arms team this week at the IDPA NAt’s. Great group. Honored that I can work for our best and brightest at the Joint Service Academy Combat Weapons Competition in a few weeks.
    These are the best and brightest>

  5. Thanks to all of you who help our Nation’s up and coming warrior leaders properly learn combat arms skills–all too few do…

  6. The cadets all used M9s. We had one locking block break during class.

    I did not riverdance. There were some other cadets at the bar (not involved in our class/group) who were, let’s just say, enjoying their weekend…

    Yes, it was the Hacienda. This is the second time I’ve eaten there and I’m actually pretty fond of the place. Do I even want to ask?

  7. Nothing too terrible, just had a habit of making cadets sick… and not from the booze, lol. After a few friends and I got sick there more than once, kinda stopped going there for food. But it sounds like it’s improved in the last few years or so!

  8. “Even if some of them are a little too shy to Riverdance at the mexican restaurant after dinner.”

    You should have given them a couple of pistolas and make them sing La Cucaracha instead…

    Anyway, it’s great that you are helping them Todd. Thank you

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