50,000 Visitors and Going Strong!
On Memorial Day, 26-May-08, pistol-training.com had its 50,000th visitor. On behalf of everyone who has contributed to pistol-training.com over the past eight months, we would…
On Memorial Day, 26-May-08, pistol-training.com had its 50,000th visitor. On behalf of everyone who has contributed to pistol-training.com over the past eight months, we would…
10,057 rounds 0 stoppages, 0 malfunctions, 0 parts breakages In only thirty-two days, we reached ten thousand rounds in the M&P Torture Test. As you can see, there have still been…
Don’t forget the pistol-training.com Design a Drill of the Week contest! A few weeks ago, we did some one-handed shooting for the Drill of the Week.…
As promised, a review of last week’s Rogers Shooting School class has now been added to the Articles section. Check it out and let us…
As the number of subscribers and participants at pistol-training.com continues to grow, we realize there is a huge resource of ideas that goes untapped. In order…
7,411 rounds 0 stoppages, 0 malfunctions, 0 parts breakages A very fun, educational, and successful week at Rogers Shooting School proved no challenge for the…
The DotW this week is designed to improve transitions, moving the gun from one target to the next. The target array will involve three targets…
Day 2 at the Rogers Shooting School Intermediate/Advanced Pistol Class and we’re down to nine students. It seems that one gentleman, who’d traveled halfway down…
5,058 rounds 0 stoppages, 0 malfunctions, 0 parts breakages As the M&P Test continues (50,000 rounds in six months), it took eighteen days to reach 5,000.…
Sometimes, being at the range is really frustrating. Last night, I saw two different instructors teaching new shooters and both instructors were paying absolutely no…