Tex Grebner to Appear on tosh.0
Tex Grebner, who jumped into the firearms community spotlight earlier this year when he accidentally shot himself while drawing from a SERPA holster, will be…
Tex Grebner, who jumped into the firearms community spotlight earlier this year when he accidentally shot himself while drawing from a SERPA holster, will be…
This is why I don’t. Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
The person holding the gun is responsible for the gun. There is no getting around that. If a gun makes an unexpected loud noise, the…
This week’s Drill of the Week has been posted at pistol-forum.com: Sweet Sixteen. Give it a try and post your results at PF. Train hard…
44,461 rounds 8 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages As mentioned in the comments of last week’s update, I decided to give in…
Possibly NSFW due to language: Hopefully, next week he’ll hang that XD from the target and shoot it with a pistol that won’t malfunction. (thanks…
43,693 rounds 8 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages Quite a few rounds went downrange over the past week with four separate trips…
As mentioned in this past week’s Glock test update, last Sunday some of the students at Aim Fast Hit Fast in Salt Lake mentioned JJ…
We had quite a day in Culpeper, Virginia today during a private pistol-training.com event. Four of the ten participants walked away with new spots on…
40,936 rounds 8 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 1 parts breakages Proving once again that cleaning guns is bad, Friday night I stripped my G17…