Via The Firearms Blog: Because you’ve always wanted to light a match in your den with a revolver… Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
Via The Firearms Blog: Because you’ve always wanted to light a match in your den with a revolver… Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
Just a mini-rant before I jet off for SLC tomorrow morning. In May of this year, I purchased two new Competition Electronics Pocket Pro II…
39,572 rounds 8 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages Update on the magazine problem: During my first range session after discovering the initial…
Photo courtesy The Firearm Blog. See also Gun Nuts. Every Taurus Judge owner on Earth will want one… Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
The 4567 Drill, developed in conjunction with Glock Professional Inc‘s Chris Edwards, has been posted in the Drills section. The 4567 is a quick skill…
By popular demand, and are bringing back the Drill of the Week… but this time, there’s a twist. Blatantly stealing from the Crossfit…
Thanks to Mjolnir for the great class review at! The Indy class was probably the last time I’ll be teaching that particular combo in an…
38,676 rounds 8 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages The reason you don’t see serious high round count tests in gun magazines is…
… you think Many thank-yous to author J.L. Bourne of the wildly popular Zombie Armageddon series for a nice shout out during a recent interview…
Congratulations to Brian Rapp for his 5.94 F.A.S.T. run this past weekend during the Indianapolis combined Speed Kills and Get SOM classes! Brian earned his…