My Left Hand
For whatever reason, there has been a great deal of online discussion lately about what to call one-handed shooting. My name has been brought up…
For whatever reason, there has been a great deal of online discussion lately about what to call one-handed shooting. My name has been brought up…
This has been a crazy trip. Indianapolis Airport, if you’re not familiar, has an unusual way of dealing with people who check guns in their…
GearScout tests the SERPA. At this point, is going to follow the lead of other instructors such as Larry Vickers and ban the SERPA…
Next year, will be offering a new class called Aim Fast Hit Small (a.k.a., AFHF-2). “Small” has been developed based on feedback from a number…
Seriously, twice in one day? My wife got home to find two business cards in our front door. One was from an FBI agent. The…
airline clerk: (loudly) Sir, you need to open the case so I can verify the guns are unloaded. ToddG: (quietly) I thought TSA was responsible…
Hot on the heels of last month’s “Come on, SIG!” post we have the SIG Pistol Mount Package: click image for full-size sadness Complete with…
36,525 rounds 8 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages Perhaps the most interesting thing this week for readers is that I blew…
Belated congratulations to Eric Brown for his 6.96 F.A.S.T. score during the Aim Fast Hit Fast class in Culpeper earlier this month. Welcome to the…
Apparently, the latest Thing To Do among the gun-blog community is to post a photo of one’s everyday pocket knife. First saw this mentioned at…