The Blowout Kit
Tam over at View From The Porch made a very interesting observation about the whole SERPA holster kerfuffle: have a blowout kit and know how…
Tam over at View From The Porch made a very interesting observation about the whole SERPA holster kerfuffle: have a blowout kit and know how…
Part of the email I send to students just prior to each class: All else being equal, I’d prefer students NOT use SERPA holsters. You…
Congrats to SeanM for leaping to Expert on the Wall of Fame with a 4.81 on the F.A.S.T. yesterday during our group practice session in Culpeper,…
22,817 rounds 6 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages The G17 has been shot quite a bit since the last update, including…
This past weekend, between an Appendix Carry Workshop and an Aim Fast, Hit Fast there were seven gentlemen earning new places on the F.A.S.T. Wall…
Ernest Langdon winning Enhanced Service Pistol at the 2011 Carolina Cup with a Beretta 92FS Compact: Train hard & stay safe! ToddG
Seems there is a new connector being produced by Glock and installed in at least some guns. Details are scarce but read what little I…
19,186 rounds 6 stoppages (+1 w/non-LCI extractor) 0 malfunctions 0 parts breakages Lucky Week 13 began with a very fun time in Ohio. Demos during…
From Tam at view from the porch: In real life, the Great Stage Designer In The Sky might not have put some handy cover nearby…
The answer does not end with “… and to hear the lamentation of their women.” Because you know that’s what you were thinking. Every three…