PF Get Together

What was originally intended as a simple 4-hour pistol class turned into a huge get together this past weekend. A dozen forum members arrived to find almost all of the forum Staff plus a number of SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) on hand to assist during SLG’s Pistol Fundamentals instruction. It’s not often you have more instructors than students on the firing line!

Congrats to vmi-mo who won the walkback competition at the end of the class and earned himself a free class with Vickers Shooting Method instructor Jay Cunningham.

Thanks to everyone involved. It was a great time and something we hope to do again some day.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG

(photo courtesy of JV)


  1. If you read the blog, but haven’t signed up for the forums… Do it! That’s the only way to find out about awesome events like this one. Thanks again to SLG, and everyone else who made this possible.

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