Prep Time

designed by Justin Dyal

Range: 10 yards
Target: 3×3 sticky note paper
Protocol: Prep Time has four stages, designed to be shot twice each.

  1. One shot, one second time limit: aimed in on the target with the finger on the trigger.
  2. One shot, two second time limit: from the low ready.
  3. One shot, three second time limit: draw from the holster.
  4. Two shots, four second time limit: draw from the holster.

Once you can accomplish the drill as is, I recommend altering the target or the time or both. I usually use a 2″ circle, and shoot each stage in about 3/4 of the allotted time. You can make it easier or harder as you see fit.

To read more about Prep Time, here is an article that Justin wrote about it.