Anytime I switch guns, there are some fundamental drills I like to run to get reacquainted with the trigger, grip, recoil and balance of the gun. It has been many months since I shot the LTT P30L LEM, so the video that you can’t see below shows 120 shots of how I like to get used to it again. Unfortunately, my videoing skills are not yet up to par and I messed it up. So, I will explain what I did instead. I realize that is not as good as a video. Sorry.
I started with Cold Heat just like normal. I then did some press-outs and some trigger control at speed from both the slack-out position (easy with the LEM) as well as the trigger at full rest position (not so easy with the LEM). I then finished up with some one-shot draws.
These basic drills will improve your understanding of your trigger faster than anything else I know. In my case, Cold Heat went well. My press-outs were a little low but otherwise fine. Trigger control at speed from the slack out position was easy, as you would expect from the LEM which is basically a short crisp single-action trigger once you take the slack out. On the other hand, doing it from the trigger at full rest may be the hardest version of that drill I have done. The LEM trigger is long and light until you get to the sear engagement, and pulling through all that at speed can be challenging. At least it was for me. So I did it again, and then again one more time. I saw some improvement, but it is something I will need to focus on a bit going forward.
My last drill was some one-shot draws. They went very well, and the LEM really helps you not miss in those kinds of situations, given how long a trigger press you have to make corrections along the way.
The ammo I used was not what I had originally zeroed with, and I found that my shots were a drop lower than usual. No big deal for this practice session, but going forward, I will either re-zero or switch ammo. For 120 rounds and about 20 minutes, I got a lot of good practice on my LEM trigger, which will help me focus my dry practice for the next week, as well as my live fire next time.