Bill Drill 2

designed by Bill Wilson 

Range: 7yd
Target: standard IDPA target 8″ -0 zone
Start position: gun in holster, hands at sides
Rounds fired: 15

This is a new version of the classic Bill Drill developed by Bill Wilson with a goal toward working the draw and different numbers of shots on target. Scoring is standard Vickers with a half second penalty per point down.

There are five strings of fire, each for time:

  1. Draw and fire 1 shot.
  2. Draw and fire 2 shots.
  3. Draw and fire 3 shots.
  4. Draw and fire 4 shots.
  5. Draw and fire 5 shots.

Bill Wilson suggests a 10-second total score as a goal.

Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.

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