Speed vs Accuracy

  • If you can’t do it slow, you can’t do it fast.
  • If you want to be fast and accurate at the same time you have to practice shooting fast, accurately.
  • The best way to break through a performance ceiling is with a nuclear option: if you can’t get any faster, stop worrying about accuracy and just make the gun work as fast as you safely can for a little while; if you can’t get any more accurate, stop worrying about speed and just shoot small, difficult, and/or distant targets with no time limit for a little while.
  • Realize when you’ve broken through a performance ceiling and stop wasting ammo & practice time on just one half of the speed/accuracy combo.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. This is clearly madness and incorrect, everyone knows that the only way to get faster is to shoot small, accurate groups slowly because slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

  2. WHAT!!!!! Madness and incorrect. You must just be kidding.

    I totally agree with Todd on this one.

    Slow is smooth and smooth is fast only when you keep moving up the speed at which you shoot, and continue to do so accurately.

  3. One of the most succinct, but yet high value posts I’ve read on the subject. It is rational, short, contains no chest-thumping, and lacks over the top bravado. It threatens to break the internet.

  4. Definitely. You could get into a 15-page (or longer) thread trying to boil it down to these essentials.

  5. Okie john,

    Exactly, I have read MANY 15 page threads that finally made these points after so much mindless drivel. This post should be stickied somewhere and made required reading. Especially the go nuclear aspect. I’ve used it for both speed and accuracy. It works.

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