Subjective: The False Prophet

Time for a little rant.

I just finished reading a thread on a to-remain-unnamed discussion board about trigger reset and how it plays a role in shooting. There were some good points and some bad points, as you would expect from any online discussion about shooting technique. But one particular point really truck me in the forehead like a steel pipe…

One poster was harping on the fact that he can shoot his traditional DAO pistol (with a full reset) as fast as he can shoot a Glock (with a very short reset), and thus — and I do quote — short reset is subjective.

No! Bad gunnut. No cookie!

The fact that one person may not have the skill or understanding to benefit from a superior capability does not make it subjective.

  • Subjective: The seats of a ’86 Corolla are much more comfortable than the seats in a Ferrari Enzo.
  • Not Subjective: I can drive an ’86 Corolla through a slalom course as fast as a Ferrari Enzo, so there is no performance benefit to the Ferrari.

Don’t get me wrong. There are many things that gun owners put too much emphasis on, and trigger reset is one of them. But in the name of all that is holy this Christmas season, don’t confuse “I can’t” with “it can’t.”

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. I like. I like that my Sig P239 SAS with DAK has same trigger manual of arms as my S/W 940 9mm snub nose revolver. No, I don’t compete; I carry.

  2. The Subjective Fairy is uniformly invoked whenever people want to say “what I’m doing/what I’m saying/what I have is obviously the best, otherwise I obviously wouldn’t be doing/wouldn’t be saying/wouldn’t have it, so I’m simply going to declare this question soluble with reference to arbitrary personal opinion alone, to automatically invalidate any actual evidence that you might be able to use to demonstrate to the contrary.” It’s a device for transforming “being correct” from a matter of verifiable factual accuracy into a simple matter of policy, which – in their own minds, at least – dramatically improves their chances of winning arguments on the interweb.

  3. You know what they say about getting advice on the internet … it’s worth what you paid.

  4. So, basically what you’re saying here is you hate politicians, situational ethics, and anti-absolutism. I couldn’t agree more. Wish those three came with a reset of any distance.
    Good Rant!

  5. Stephen — To be honest, my stance on situational ethics depends on a lot of factors, but I am 100% opposed to absolutism.

    Rob E — That’s a negative, Ghost Rider.

  6. Boards tend to be dominated by those with not much broad experience and almost no teaching experience. This means they have opinions that are not as useful as they might be–and frequently are not accurate. Todd is more experienced than me; there are others more experienced than Todd. Of course. Experience is not the whole story though. The ability to see what others experience and need is key also. Here is where Todd who has a lot of teaching experience is better than someone with no teaching experience but a lot of trigger time and even quite a few classes. But even being a teacher does not guarantee a good opinion because many teachers think they have arrived and must indoctrinate the troops either figuratively or literally. There are many older shooters who were army taught decades ago and think that was the be all and end all (and in fact they dont know that much in todays world and reality–the caliber wars are great examples).

    That said reset IS critical for maximum speed and maximum accuracy for most shooters of average skill. The elite mil/le units may be able to shoot a dime at 10 yards with speed and accuracy with anything in their hands. But there will be a difference in speed and accuracy between action even among those types. (Of course then there are the types who insist the a lousy speed/accuracy action is ok because it only has to have “combat” accuracy [this is never defined though]; this in my option is one of the more silly things I have ever heard: Who knows when the range might be 100 feet with margin of 6 inches or less.)

  7. Maybe “gunnut” could post a video of himself (I’m quite certain this person is male) shooting, say, the F.A.S.T.

    Once we see how effortlessly he cleans it in under five seconds, we’ll understand what he means.

    Fast X,
    John Buol

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