If any modern pistol has been marginalized, I think the P2000 qualifies. Introduced in the year 2001, it was adopted by CBP for the Border Patrol in 2006. When this occurred, I almost spit milk from my nose. Why would anyone ever want a 3.6″ barrelled compact (almost subcompact) sidearm as a duty weapon for uniform Border Agents? On top of that, they went with a .40 LEM version. If that’s not the silliest thing I ever heard…well, maybe not the silliest but you get the point.
I handled and shot some of the CBP guns and was mostly indifferent to them. They had the equivalent of +P+ ammo running through them, and though they were perfectly shootable, it was not a great combination. Plus, I have never really liked the LEM trigger, though again, it works.
Fast forward to 2022, and I picked up a DA/SA P2000 in 9mm. I have always liked the USP and P30, and being a DA nut, I figured I should take a look at the P2000 again. It had a medium back strap on it, which I assumed I would change out for the small. Not a chance. This gun may fit my hand better than anything else I have ever shot. That may sound weird, but the grip of the P2000, with the medium backstrap, allows me to smash on the DA trigger, strong hand or weak hand, and not disturb the sights. With most guns, when I shoot weak hand, and even strong hand to a degree, I have to finesse the trigger a bit, if I want to hit precisely. Not so with the P2000. It just fits me perfectly.
I will go into more detail on the gun at some point in the future but suffice to say that in addition to being incredibly shootable at speed, it is a very accurate gun, even with that short sight radius. I was shooting some Federal 124g Punch ammo, courtesy of Gunmagwarehouse. Also from Gunmagwarehouse, some 13-round magazines arrived with the ammo. The gun shipped with 10-round mags, so the full-capacity mags were very welcome.

You may like the 45c as well. I never thought I would like it more the the full size HK45, but it just fits my hand and the accuracy is great.
It has been a long time since I have shot a 45C, I will have to look into it. I gravitated towards the USP 45 because it can handle hotter loads than the HK45 or 45C, and my only use for it is a a field gun. Still, now I’m curious to try them again.
I carried a usp compact and a p2000 during my Border Patrol career. (A career that started when we were still issued revolvers.). I didn’t like the hk pistols and firmly believe that they were not chosen because of their quality but because someone received some benefit from hk after they left the Border Patrol.
Thanks for adding your experience! I think most federal weapons contracts are awarded because someone is getting a benefit, lol. Sometimes really awful guns are chosen, but though you may not have liked the HK’s, they are far from awful and are certainly not low quality. Why didn’t you like them?
I am trying to decide between a p2000 and a USP compact in 9mm – *for now* I have settled on a p2000 because it looks very similar but has many of the updated modern features I expect from pistols – the p2000, for the time of its release, is absolutely space-aged compared to its peers.
All of the features we expect in modern pistols (adjustable backstraps, ambidextrous slide lock and mag release, rear decocker, accessory rail) are all present in the p2000.
I only own a p30, but I plan on getting a p2000 next
Especially if you like the P30, I think you’ll be very happy with the P2000. Let us know!
Another thing I think is underrated about the P2000 is the size. All the other “da/sa Glock 19” equivalents (Px4c, P07, etc.) tend to actually be quite a bit bigger than a Glock 19. The P2000 is functionally the same size. I also love the fact the backstraps actually do change the trigger reach, making the DA a lot more manageable.
Totally agree. I think it is a drop smaller than the 19, but i haven’t compared them directly. Yet it shoots like a full size gun for me.
As a major HK fan I firmly agree the P2000 is sadly under rated. There is something about it’s dimensions that just works, though I do prefer the texture of my P30 series pistols. I’m planning giving the Talon Grips Pro rubber grips a try on both my P2000 & HK45c.