It’s a What?

You just can’t make this stuff up…

Major kudos to Less for finding this and maintaining his sanity long enough to post a link.

Train hard … no… my mind… ahhhhhhh!


  1. Some of that reholstering work was positively cringeworthy.

    She was definitely the only one professional enough…

  2. My favorite comment:
    “The only thing that would have saved this video is if they started making out at the end of it.”

  3. Ummm…. hearing damage does not start at 85dB, and that’s the least wrong thing about that video.

  4. My favorite comment:
    “The only thing that would have saved this video is if they started making out at the end of it.”

    For you, maybe. :p That would have still left it full of painful suck and fail from where I’m sitting.

  5. And me stuck at work until 7am and unable to watch this video until then.

  6. Why was that woman so out of breath at the end of the video? Seriously … WTF?

  7. that was freakin awesome. I’ll happily take instruction from either one of them.

  8. This must be the gun that won the BATFE contract.

    Those 18th-century polymers were really something, eh?

  9. At least the DEA agent didn’t cup and saucer the gun and her stance was actually pretty good.

  10. That’s the best a “men’s” magazine can do. The only thing I want to know: was it a gen4?

  11. would have been better if they were doing this in bikinis. you could even leave the gun part out since that wasn’t worth a crap.

  12. I thought this was a joke, somebody went back and added those captions to the original Esquire video. Nope. That’s how it is on their website too…

    Ya know, there might be some money to be made in a Hooter’s type shooting school…

  13. Interesting video. If either of these fine ladies needs professional instruction, I could correct all these errors over a nice dinner…

  14. “45 mm”? That thing isn’t a pistol, it’s a freaking single barrel AA battery. It’s a wonder their arms don’t get ripped off by the recoil.

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