Tuesday Night at the NRA Range

We still have a few slots left for our Tuesday night Practice Session at the NRA Range which is tomorrow, 19-May. For more details, go to practice.pistol-training.com. We look forward to seeing pistol-training.com regulars at the class!

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG


  1. As much as I want to attend I don’t think I could arrive at a decent time.
    The traffic and the location is a killer for me coming from MD.
    95 , 495 & 66 is tough ride that time of day.
    The good news is I did request for vacation time so I may attend your Smithfield, North Carolina class.
    We will know in a couple of days.

  2. Papershooter — Understood. We tried to schedule it late enough so folks would have time to fight through traffic, but if you’re far enough away or need to take enough of the local gridlock routes, it’s probably impossible. Hope to see you (again) in NC!

  3. This was a great way to set a foundation for how to practice and improve your skills. Coming in cold after 2 months away from the range, the session quickly highlighted what I need to work on. The session builds on skills reviewed previously in a building block approach that culminated in a multi-target drill / competition that was very humbling. Two things I’d do differently in advance of this class the next time around would be: PRACTICE at home with grip / presentation drills and PRACTICE at the range before (showing up cold after 6 weeks away from shooting didn’t help at all). While I wasn’t too happy with my speed or accuracy, by the end of the drills, I could see the path towards improvement. The class showed me a few benchmarks I can work on in advance of next month – looking forward to the next one!


  4. Had a great time, found some stuff to work on, and met some good people. Highly recommended.

  5. The practice session seemed to go great. I wish my gun had done the same.

    Hopefully I’ll be around for the next one.

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