We’re Sorry to Interrupt This Program…

If you’ve been reading pistol-training.com for a while, you know that the site is very rarely about my personal life except insofar as it relates to shooting: teaching & practicing. It’s always been my belief that each of you has your own life, family, challenges, and distractions so there’s no need to share mine with the world. Nonetheless, something has come up that is going to effect my ability to do those things (teach & practice) and rather than just have the site go silent for a while, I figured I should explain at least a little.

As some of you know, in 2006 I was diagnosed with cancer and had a kidney removed. About a year ago it came back — the cancer, not the kidney! — and in May of this year I had lung surgery. Now scans show there is more and rather than hunt for it surgically, the docs said I should start a more aggressive treatment. The process involves up to four week-long hospital stays separated by a couple of weeks each. Unfortunately, during this time I won’t be able to shoot or travel.

I’ve already contacted all the students who’ve signed up for classes during that time period to refund their money. Hopefully, those classes will get rescheduled for later in the year.

As for pistol-training.com, there won’t be any updates on the SACS/Warren gun until this is over. For those of you who drop by primarily for that, take a vacation until March. Otherwise, as time and ability allow, I still plan to put new content up on the site… it will just be more about my thoughts on shooting than on me, you know, actually shooting. Hopefully, I’ll be able to cajole or guilt some friends into writing a few things for the site as well so you won’t get bored reading just my opinion about everything.

For many of my friends, I know this is the first you’re hearing about any of this. I apologize. We didn’t know exactly what we were doing until last night and it was just selfishly easier for me to announce it here than track everyone down and have a hundred conversations about it. We have great confidence in the medical team at Johns Hopkins. I look forward to being back to teaching this Spring.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG



  1. Get well man! I beat stage 4 cancer in 1996 and I’m always available if you need someone to chat with. Shoot me an e-mail and I’ll give you my number.

  2. Damn, I hate to hear about stuff like this. I’ll be praying for your health and recovery. Be well.

  3. TFGWF

    Treat Fast, Get Well Fast!

    Maybe this will slow you down enough to look like a normal human shooting in the instructor course in Culpeper next Summer.

    Get well soon.


  4. Thoughts and prayers your way Todd! Look forward to seeing
    A full recovery in march. We will all be here waiting to hear from you no doubt.

  5. Todd, I didn’t know, but I wish you a fast, comfortable, and full recovery.

    I bet you’ve got a close network of friends and family to support you in person, but we’re here as well to lend an ear or a hand. If you ever need to rant and rave here, feel free.

    I hope I speak for many readers when I say that I’m here for you, not for any particular gun test, or drill, or piece of industry news. Sure we like all those things, but we come here for you.

    Take care!

  6. Take care of yourself and your family first. Will keep you in our prayers.

  7. Dude.
    Go get a nice meal’cause for the next couple of months taste of food will be irrelevant if not offensive. You know this, I am sure.
    You also know that you’re in one of the best hospitals in the world. You also know that there are very few cancers that can’t be killed or arrested with modern treatments.
    You also know that entire readership of p-f and p-t, your family, your friends are cheering on the sidelines.
    I’ll see you when you come here for the next class.

  8. Gods speed on your recovery I wiil remember you and your family in my prayers. Brian Ellington

  9. Holy shit, dude. Get better, and good luck! I still need to take a class with you!

  10. Very sorry to hear that Todd, but I know you will beat it. My thoughts are with you!

  11. I haven´t taken your class (yet), we´ve never met (yet), however, your site has provided me and many an incredible amount of reality facts, great information and joy. You have been an inspiration for us as shooters and an inspiration as a person; I deeply respect your awesome will to publish and educate from this site… take your time, focus on it and KICK ITS A$$… All the best for you and yours…

  12. While I’m sure tough days lie ahead, I have confidence that your legendary discipline and dedication will see you through this. Take care of yourself and we’ll look forward to seeing you on the other side of this. Drink water.

  13. Do what it takes and get well. If I can help in any way please don’t hesitate to ask.

  14. Get well soon Todd. The pistol shooting world will not be the same without your guidance

  15. Todd, you have a very positive attitude. I really believe that will carry over and make a huge difference in your treatment. Prayers will go your way.

  16. Thanks for all you have done for this community, and WILL continue to do.
    Thanks for being up front with your readers. It can’t be easy to put this out there.
    No one has to tell you this sucks. But, no doubt you have legions in your corner on this. Use ’em, abuse ’em, and knock this BS in the dirt and get on with what you want in life.
    I, for one, have complete faith in you and your abilities.
    Take care and take your time. We’ll all be patiently waiting.

  17. Todd – please get well soon! You are an amazing inspiration with your thoughtful, logical and multi-discplinary approach to teaching. Speedy recovery!!

  18. Get better first, spend this time with your family and everything else comes secondary. Our prayers are with you and your family.

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