We’re Sorry to Interrupt This Program…

If you’ve been reading pistol-training.com for a while, you know that the site is very rarely about my personal life except insofar as it relates to shooting: teaching & practicing. It’s always been my belief that each of you has your own life, family, challenges, and distractions so there’s no need to share mine with the world. Nonetheless, something has come up that is going to effect my ability to do those things (teach & practice) and rather than just have the site go silent for a while, I figured I should explain at least a little.

As some of you know, in 2006 I was diagnosed with cancer and had a kidney removed. About a year ago it came back — the cancer, not the kidney! — and in May of this year I had lung surgery. Now scans show there is more and rather than hunt for it surgically, the docs said I should start a more aggressive treatment. The process involves up to four week-long hospital stays separated by a couple of weeks each. Unfortunately, during this time I won’t be able to shoot or travel.

I’ve already contacted all the students who’ve signed up for classes during that time period to refund their money. Hopefully, those classes will get rescheduled for later in the year.

As for pistol-training.com, there won’t be any updates on the SACS/Warren gun until this is over. For those of you who drop by primarily for that, take a vacation until March. Otherwise, as time and ability allow, I still plan to put new content up on the site… it will just be more about my thoughts on shooting than on me, you know, actually shooting. Hopefully, I’ll be able to cajole or guilt some friends into writing a few things for the site as well so you won’t get bored reading just my opinion about everything.

For many of my friends, I know this is the first you’re hearing about any of this. I apologize. We didn’t know exactly what we were doing until last night and it was just selfishly easier for me to announce it here than track everyone down and have a hundred conversations about it. We have great confidence in the medical team at Johns Hopkins. I look forward to being back to teaching this Spring.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG



  1. Be safe and well. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Know that the twins will be praying for you too.

    David Barnes

  2. Todd,
    I hope all goes well and wish you and your family the best. Look forward to you getting back on top of this and resuming your shooting/teaching.

  3. God bless you Todd. get well and come back stronger than ever.
    Hope to have you draw lines on my hands with a sharpie in the future!

  4. Get well soon Todd. We would like to have you back training us in Utah in 2014. 🙂

  5. Hang in there buddy. I’m going to miss shooting in March but I know you’ll spend that time well recovering. Our family here have you in our thoughts.

  6. Todd – I’ve yet to make it to one of your classes, but really enjoy reading Pistol-Training and your contributions to TPI. Kick ass, get better, and take the time you need to do so, all this will keep, and be right here when you have time/energy.
    My thoughts are with you, and yours.


  7. All the best dude. You will beat this bitch and get back on line. Keep your head up.

  8. Todd,

    I’ve been a reader of the site since about 2009, and it’s been one of the best resources regarding information about shooting that I’ve ever come across, and regarding pistols, I’d say it’s the absolute best. I’ve recommended the site to countless friends, and my brother, and shall continue to do so.

    Me, and my brother give you our best.

    I have faith, that you’ll turn out okay.

    Just hang in there, Todd.

  9. That sucks Todd! You’ll beat it, until then you can just tell people to call you the “Carcinoma Kid”

  10. Todd,
    I’ve not had the pleasure of making one of your classes yet, but the information you provide here is outstanding. We will all be here waiting when you get back. Until then, rest hard!

  11. Hi Todd,

    As you already know, bad things happen to good people all the time. But our destiny is shaped by our thoughts and our actions. We cannot direct the wind, but we sure can adjust our sails and over come the insurmountable.

    My prayers and best wishes go out to you and your family. I look forward to seeing you down range, God speed!

  12. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers, everyone. I apologize for not being able to respond to each of you individually. But I can assure you that my wife and I are very touched by your words.

  13. Todd,
    Get well soon and Chili’s is on me next time you’re in Atlanta! Please be sure to extend our best wishes to your wife as well, as this has to be tough for her. You will remain in my family’s prayers. See you soon, Bro.

  14. We’re all here for you, Todd! You can beat this and be onto a speedy recovery in no time.

  15. Wishing you a painless and complete recovery. You are an incredible teacher and an inspiration to the shooting community.

  16. Seems like everybody else has it pretty well covered on the comments, so I’ll just say they’ve all got it right: your determination and discipline are obvious to anyone who reads your site, and those things plus the support of your family and friends will surely get you through this. Good luck, and we’ll all be waiting to read more whenever you write it.

  17. Todd, so sorry to hear this news. My wife is working hard on her treatment too. You’ll be in our thoughts and prayers !

  18. Todd, You are in my prayers. Keep smiling and let me know if you need anything!

  19. Smart move going to Hopkins. They stopped my father’s cancer. Hang tough, and whatever your Doctor says. We are all pulling for you.

  20. All the best to you, Todd, as you kick cancer’s ass.

    In the meantime, I’ll enjoy reading your “thoughts on shooting.” Those are some of your best posts!

  21. You have my best wishes for a quick and thorough recovery.
    This site has been invaluable in making me enjoy my sport more. I had forgotten that there is a full, real human behind all the information and thoughts too. Thank you for reminding and for all of your help.

  22. Prayers are now ascending, but in all honesty, I have no doubt you will kick this cancers’ ass and get on with it!
    If you have not read Lance Armstrong’s book “It’s Not About the Bike”, you should. I felt I could survive ANYTHING after reading it!
    Hope to see you in more training classes in Portland, Or soon!

  23. Get well and get back, Todd. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family in this tough time. I’m thankful every day that I started on the right path by finding this site and taking your class. You’re an amazing individual, looking forward to you coming back healthy and whole.

  24. Dear Todd, My best wishes for a full recovery in the new year. My thoughts are with you and your wife.

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