We’re Sorry to Interrupt This Program…

If you’ve been reading pistol-training.com for a while, you know that the site is very rarely about my personal life except insofar as it relates to shooting: teaching & practicing. It’s always been my belief that each of you has your own life, family, challenges, and distractions so there’s no need to share mine with the world. Nonetheless, something has come up that is going to effect my ability to do those things (teach & practice) and rather than just have the site go silent for a while, I figured I should explain at least a little.

As some of you know, in 2006 I was diagnosed with cancer and had a kidney removed. About a year ago it came back — the cancer, not the kidney! — and in May of this year I had lung surgery. Now scans show there is more and rather than hunt for it surgically, the docs said I should start a more aggressive treatment. The process involves up to four week-long hospital stays separated by a couple of weeks each. Unfortunately, during this time I won’t be able to shoot or travel.

I’ve already contacted all the students who’ve signed up for classes during that time period to refund their money. Hopefully, those classes will get rescheduled for later in the year.

As for pistol-training.com, there won’t be any updates on the SACS/Warren gun until this is over. For those of you who drop by primarily for that, take a vacation until March. Otherwise, as time and ability allow, I still plan to put new content up on the site… it will just be more about my thoughts on shooting than on me, you know, actually shooting. Hopefully, I’ll be able to cajole or guilt some friends into writing a few things for the site as well so you won’t get bored reading just my opinion about everything.

For many of my friends, I know this is the first you’re hearing about any of this. I apologize. We didn’t know exactly what we were doing until last night and it was just selfishly easier for me to announce it here than track everyone down and have a hundred conversations about it. We have great confidence in the medical team at Johns Hopkins. I look forward to being back to teaching this Spring.

Train hard & stay safe! ToddG



  1. Todd — You’re a valiant competitor. My money’s on you. You have my best wishes, prayers toward your complete recovery. There are lots of us pulling for you.


  2. Todd,

    I too am dealing with a cancer diagnosis currently, though mine seems to be well contained within my left leg (apparently, I’m a lucky osteosarcoma patient). Let me add my heartfelt wishes for an easy treatment and speedy recovery. As I’m sure you well know, attitude is everything. You’ve beaten it once, time to kick it again. Godspeed, sir.

  3. Prayers outbound. Get well soon. We need a voice of reason like you.

    Okie John

  4. That fairly puts my petty gripes in perspective. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a full and relatively quick recovery!

  5. Lots of love and healing, I can’t wait to make it to one of your classes. I’ve learned a ton from this site and the forum, I’m in a better place to protect those I love because of the time you have spent here and one the forum. Thanks so much.

  6. Todd;

    If you pursue this the way you have pursued your pistol skills I am sure you will defeat this and quickly. Get better soon! I will keep you in my thoughts.

  7. Jeez…Dude! Had no idea you were having health issues.
    Hope all your procedures go well, my family and I send prayers.
    Be Well.

  8. Todd,

    I have personal experience with what you’re going through. I also know from your posts that you are a positive, enthusiastic person who is focused on excellence. It will test you and you will overcome!
    You will be in our thoughts and prayers.

  9. Good luck. I will be praying for you and your family and a quick recovery.

  10. Bendiciones Todd, that means blessings in spanish, all the support and best wishes. Im a big fan always a learning experiencia reading your page.

    Le deseo una pronta recuperación!
    Best regards! Que Dios le acompañe, fuerza amigo!


  11. Todd,

    This is horrible news. I hope you get well soon. Make beating this a mission just like you have with your shooting and teaching and you will just cruise through.

    You’re in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. I found this site by your testing of the S&W M&P and have checked it every Thursday after my work break. I looked forwarded to reading about the latest issue or information about the gun currently tested and now I look forward to reading your “Thoughts.” Everyone here did not know your personal battles but now we will help you in any way “Win the War!”
    Take Care and remember that our prayers are with you.

  13. Dude, you know what it says when you get this much love from people you’ve never met? It says you fucking matter. You’ve given us hope day in and day out that someone in this often shady industry is willing to speak the uncomfortable truth when necessary, and put common sense and intelligence into training methodologies. We’ll be waiting with baited breath for your triumphant return post. In all fairness to your fans, you should make plans for a “I’m back to work!” party.. I’m good for at least 1 keg 😉 I’m sure many others would be happy to chip in as well. See you when your better brother!

  14. Todd, I have learned so much from you over the last couple of years. Thank you for all the time you have invested in me and so many others as well. Get better soon my friend. You can be sure that my family and I will be praying for your quick recovery.


  15. Todd-My heartfelt sympathies and prayers are with you, your wife, and your family. Wrap your family and faith close to you, because that’s what really matters in this situation. Everything else can be put on hold-and in perspective. Marshal your strength, spending it where it’s needed most, and ride on our collective sympathy and help-you matter, and are deeply cared for, and are an important part of the community.

    Best, Jon Stein

  16. Todd-Although we’ve yet to met, your writing has touched my life and influenced my training. As an 19 year cancer survivor myself we both know like any other battle it’s first-and-foremost all about mindset. You have the edge on this one!


  17. Todd,

    Stay strong, we’ll be thinking about you and praying for your speedy recovery!

    Max W

  18. Get well soon Todd.
    Your blog and forum have been very helpful to me as a new shooter.

  19. Todd,

    You have one of the best attitudes of anyone I’ve met. I assumed that that was the result of your previous health issues. You’ve beat cancer before and you can do it again. Keep your chin up and know that a whole lot of people are rooting for you.

    Good thoughts for you and your family from NH.


  20. Cancer is a evil disease. Good luck in your battle to kick its ass. If you need anything, please hint. I know from first hand experience that most fighting this disease will not ask for help……please don’t be shy. Positive thoughts from Texas.

  21. Take care of yourself. I’ll look forward to reading your well-considered and insightful postings again when you get back on your feet.

  22. Please do what you need to do to get better. Sooner rather than later, if possible. For what it’s worth my mom went through a similar sounding course of treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and lived cancer free for another 22 years so I think you have an excellent chance at recovery, unfortunately it won’t be as much fun as being out on the range tearing up some targets. 🙁
    Please do drop a line every now and again to let us know how you’re doing when you feel up to it.

  23. Good luck and prayers for a full recovery. Now you can start on the book you’ve always wanted to write….

  24. Very sorry to hear that. It is diffucult to quantify how much I have learned from you here and your forum posts… for FREE. Thanks for your contribution to this community. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours. See you in a class when its over.

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